
People Reveal The Dumb Things SO's Said/Did At Holiday Gatherings| thumbnail text - "I took my girlfriend home for the holidays and she wouldn't eat or drink anything because she recently decided to be vegan. The next day she was eating chicken nuggets from McDonald's and when my mom asked why she would be eating those she said, 'well, they are chicken nuggets. They aren't like, real chicken."

People Reveal The Dumb Things SO's Said/Did At Holiday Gatherings

letters to exes | thumbnail text - Dear Brett, I'm sorry for vomiting in front of you, but we split a bottle of Jack and you told me you still talk to your ex-girlfriend. So who's the one that really should be saying sorry. TO THE Adeline GUYS I'VE Kinda DATED

Women Write Letters To The Questionable Men They Dated

Woman's Secret Holiday Hookup Gets Exposed The Old Fashioned Way| thumbnail text - At one point I was bent over the hood of my Grandma's Buick.

Woman's Secret Holiday Hookup Gets Exposed The Old Fashioned Way

People Expose The Most Psycho Thing Someone Has Ever Involved Them In| thumbnail text - "I went out with this girl a few times and we slept together but ultimately decided to break it off because I didn't want to waste her time. She started crying then told me she was pregnant and even sent me a pic of a positive pregnancy test. I was freaking out until I did an image search on it. She clearly pulled the photo from the Internet."

People Expose The Most Psycho Thing Someone Has Ever Involved Them In

Why The Guys That Are So bad For Us Are So Good In Bed| thumbnail text - woman, so unfair, men

Why The Guys That Are So bad For Us Are So Good In Bed

aadagio11 7 hr. ago He posted about breakup dumped him) on Tumblr and then tried send himself an “anonymous" message agreeing with everything he said his breakup post and hyping him up saying he deserved better and great guy only catch he forgot click "submit anonymously he sent message himself, so he wound up posting message with his full handle plain see box, and then responded thanking anon his "kind words He had up hours before he realized his mistake hilarious and and my friends all had goo

The Cringiest Things Exes Did After A Breakup

People Unveil The Number One Thing Holding Them Back From Returning To The Dating World| thumbnail text - NUT-me-SHELL · 12 hr. ago My husband doesn't let me date.

People Unveil The Number One Thing Holding Them Back From Returning To The Dating World

People Unveil The Moment They Realized They Were The Psycho BF/GF| thumbnail text - Fabulous-Employee-54 · 4 hr. ago When I made a fake Facebook to try to flirt with my girlfriend to see if I could trust her...nothing really caused the clarity, just kind of one of those "what the fuck am i doing?" moments.

People Unveil The Moment They Realized They Were The Psycho BF/GF

10 Facts About Breaking Up| thumbnail text - 3. Rebound sex is real In a study of heterosexual men and women between the ages of 20-45, 30% of people admitted to having rebound sex, meaning sex purely for the purpose of getting over their ex.

10 Facts About Breaking Up

divorce party tweets | thumbnail text - Thumperstiltskin @quirings1 I'm thinking about getting married and then annulling it the next day just so I can have a divorce party. These parties look amazing. You burn stuff in a barrel you don't want around anymore as you get drunk and eat cake. Then your friends try to set you up with hotter guys.

Iconic Divorce Party Tweets That Made Us Happy To Celebrate Marriage Annulments

twitter thread | thumbnail text -  Font - Aishalääile @Aisha94 I cannot believe the man who broke my heart had the audacity to ask me if I want a threeway with him and his new girlfriend. Why is my love life a catastrophe. 3:14 PM · Dec 7, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Man Has The Audacity To Break Woman's Heart Then Ask Her To Participate In Threesome With His New Girlfriend

When My Drunk Date Peed All Over My Clothes After We Hooked Up| thumbnail text - woman, it was everywhere

When My Drunk Date Peed All Over My Clothes After We Hooked Up

10 Fun Facts About The Absurdity That Is One's Love Life| thumbnail text - A woman's happiness is a key indicator of a successful relationship. A 2014 study at Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences found that overall marital quality was generally greater if women were content with their relationship, whereas the happiness of the man did not seem to affect marital quality as much.

10 Fun Facts About The Absurdity That Is One's Love Life

aita post | thumbnail text -  AITA for not accepting my new neighbour? I (38F) am part of a group of friends in my neighbourhood. We take turns hosting dinner parties between our households (5 houses out of 15 in our neighbourhood). One of our group recently moved out because her husband was cheating with his secretary. In the last month he moved her in and is acting as if everything is normal.

Delusional Man And Mistress Fuming After Being Excluded From Friendsgiving For Cheating On Wife

when men knew it was over | thmbnail text - Bigthighedracer · 10h After maybe 2 weeks I found she spoke with possessed dolls and that she named one after me to take control so I would never leave... yup after that I bounced

14 Wild Moments Men Knew They Were No Longer Interested

Man Fuming When GF Discovers He Has Been Lying About His Age For Over A Year| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/throw-away1201 · 9h AITA for snooping in my boyfriend's room and catching his lie?

Man Fuming When GF Discovers He Has Been Lying About His Age For Over A Year