

Funniest Dating Memes We Saw This Past Week (April 19, 2022)| thumbnail text - "He said no pickles on his burger, It be like that sometimes babe it's 11:11 make a wish may your teeth fall out when you smile at other girls amen

Funniest Dating Memes We Saw This Past Week (April 20, 2022)

Romance isn't dead
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complicated relationship memes | thumbnail text - When you know that you're no good together but you both keep on doing it anyways

This Week's Batch Of Toxic Relationship Memes

It's toxic, but we're slipping under
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divorce memes | thumbnail text - Omw to email my divorce lawyer each time my ex

16 Divorce Memes For All The People Who Are Regularly Provoked By Their Exes

All the divorce tea
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Scientific Reasons You Keep Running After That Toxic Boy| thumbnail text - woman, attraction can literally make you dumb

Scientific Reasons You Keep Running After That Toxic Boy

The toxicity is appealing
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Memes For People Who Have Embraced The Single Lifestyle| thumbnail text -  I have two moods Where is the love of my life? Where are they? I'm alone and I love it.

Memes For People Who Have Embraced The Single Lifestyle

It's a choice okay
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8 Men Reveal What Made Them Walk Out on a Date| Thumbnail text - "The girl showed up drunk and flat out admitted she had been on 3 dates that day. She couldn't understand the waitress who had a strong Spanish accent and she yelled, 'CAN YOU PLEASE SPEAK ENGLISH? JEEZ, THIS IS AMERICA.' Literally left her at the table and blocked her on the app."

8 Men Reveal What Made Them Walk Out On A Date

We all know dating can be a total dumpster fire, and that escaping a bad date can be a tricky thing to navigate. I'm sure most of us have been on a date and thought, I wish I could just walk out right now. Most of us don't do that because social etiquette says that we should always remain polite. And seriously, how bad can it be that you can’t just finish your meal or a drink? Well, apparently, it can get really f*cking bad. As it turns out there are some people who have no qualms about walking…
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People Reveal What Caused Them To Say, 'That's It, I'm Moving Out'| Thumbnail text - am nurse so am working crazy hours. My boyfriend lost his job but collecting unemployment working nonstop week COVID unit and asked him if he could go store and pick up some groceries came home him playing video games and eating take out which he ordered ONLY himself went make myself something eat and saw fridge still empty asked him why he didn't go store he said forgot leave money. Don't pass on way home anywa

People Reveal What Caused Them To Say, 'That's It, I'm Moving Out'

The ultimate testing ground for marriage
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Interesting Facts About Divorce| Thumbnail text - if you met your spouse in high school, college, or grad school, you are 41% less likely to get divorced. couples who met in bars were 24% more likely to get divorced than expected.

Interesting Facts About Divorce

More common than you may think
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Funniest Dating Memes We Saw This Past Week (April 14, 2022)| Thumbnail text - Me: I just don't know what to do with my relationship My friend: let's see what the cards say, What do you want in a relationship* Me: ATTENTION!!! Thanks for your attention.

Funniest Dating Memes We Saw This Past Week (April 14, 2022)

The wild wild west
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Husband Ditches Wife's Home-Cooked Meal Because His Mother 'Does It Better'| Thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/AquaF6374 ·•9h 3 10 1 2 20 1 1 AITA for throwing out my husband's dinner after he went to eat at his mom's house?

Husband Ditches Wife's Home-Cooked Meal Because His Mother 'Does It Better'

The audacity of some people
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Surprising Dating Customs From Around the World| Thumbnail text - In 2016, there were 33.6 million more men than women in the country – which, unsurprisingly, takes a toll on men who seek out heterosexual relationships. Because of this, "dating schools" for men who have never been in a romantic relationship have begun to crop up in China.

Surprising Dating Customs From Around the World

It seems like everyone and their mother is fed up with the ‘dating scene’ here in the USA
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Dates That Made Women Regret Re-entering the Dating Scene| thumbnail text - "Thought my first dating app date was going well until he asked me if I was wearing a push-up bra in one of my profile pics because he was under the impression my tits would be bigger. Clearly, some people forgot their manners."

Dates That Made Women Regret Re-Entering The Dating Scene

your tow back into the pond can be daunting, to say the least. It can even be more daunting when your first date in a long time ends up crashing and burning into a total dumpster fire causing you to wonder why the hell you even re-downloaded the apps in the first place. Whether it’s taking someone to a bar where their ex works, being completely presumptuous about getting physical or saying things that are just downright dumb and insulting, there is a myriad of things guys do on dates that make…
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Men Express The Most Unattractive Things A Woman Can Do On A First Date| thumbnail text - AndOfCourseSquirrels · 17 hr. ago Talk about her ex too much. Especially if that includes talking about how she still lives with him 20.5k Reply Share ••.

Men Express The Most Unattractive Things A Woman Can Do On A First Date

Definitely not ideal
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9 People Share What Happened On their Date with a Total Karen| thumbnail text - "On a date with a girl who ordered a vodka tonic kept complaining to the waiter that it tasted 'off.' He made it three times and she kept complaining to the point he made it in front of her face. Turns out she didn't know that tonic water and soda were different things. Didn't even apologize."

9 People Share What Happened On Their Date With A Total Karen

Karen's are everywhere
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Delusional Mother Fuming When She Trespasses Into Her Ex-SIL's Home While He's On A Date| thumbnail text - Posted by u/nomoreentry 17 hours ago AITA for banning my MIL from entering my home for what she said after walking in on me with someone else?

Delusional Mother Fuming When She Trespasses Into Her Ex-SIL's Home While He's On A Date

Some people really have the audacity
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Men Spill Some Uncommon Red Flags To look Out For In Women| thumbnail text - EvilAlicia · 22 hr. ago 92 The ones that play games like: "I don't want anything for valentinesday" * Gets nothing on valentinesday * "Ugh why didnt my boyfriend buy something for me???" And then get really angry. Be fucking honest, don't play games like a teen.

Men Spill Some Uncommon Red Flags To look Out For In Women

We all foster a few warning signs
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