
reddit post | thumbnail text - men, what's your opinion on friends dating your exes? there's a million girls in the world and the only one you could find is my ex? smh I'd think he was plotting from before tbh

Men Reveal Their Opinions On Their Friends Dating Their Exes

breakup memes | thumbnail text - get heartbroken but 's ok because streets been waiting be single again

This Week's Batch Of Breakup Memes (July 31, 2022)

twitter post | thumbnail text - Lihle @tweetbylihle being in a relationship is accepting that your mood can be ruined by 7am isa X @isabella_grayy NONE of my friends allowed to give speeches at my wedding. soon as i hear a "i remember this one time.." AHT AHT gimme the mic

24 Of The Funniest Dating & Relationship Tweets We Saw This Week (July 28, 2022)

Funniest Complicated Relationship Memes We Saw This Past Week

Funniest Complicated Relationship Memes We Saw This Past Week (July 27, 2022)

divorce memes | thumbnail text - Someone was really happy FINALLY DIVORCED STRAIGHT OUTTA MARRIAGE

This Week's Concise Collection Of Divorce Memes (July 27, 2022)

Funniest Relationship Memes We Saw This Week

Funniest Relationship Memes We Saw This Week (July 26, 2022)

reddit post | thumbnail text - If you could say something/anything to an ex, what would you say? Pure_Examination516 1 day ago crickets chirping loudly

People Reveal What They Would Say To Their Exes If They Could

Funniest Memes Showing Off Dating App Fails We Saw This Week (INSERT DATE)

Funniest Memes Showing Off Dating App Fails We Saw This Week (July 20, 2022)

divorce memes | thumbnail text - This kid looks like he's on his second divorce

This Week's Collection Of Divorce Memes (July 20, 2022)

The Funniest Complicated Relationship Memes We Saw This Week (Insert Date)

The Funniest Complicated Relationship Memes We Saw This Week (July 19, 2022)

Woman Reveals Why Its Time to Start Dating Strictly Beautiful Men, ‘Thumb-Looking Men Always Cheat'

Woman Reveals Why Its Time to Start Dating Strictly Beautiful Men, ‘Thumb-Looking Men Always Cheat'

Funniest Single Memes We Saw This Week, Because at This Point We’d Like to See Someone Try to Put Up With All of This

Funniest Single Memes We Saw This Week, Because at This Point We’d Like to See Someone Try to Put Up With All of This

breakup memes | thumbnail text - when you're doing so much better without them but you wanna know if they're miserable without you

This Week's Batch Of Breakup Memes (July 18, 2022)

twitter post | thumbnail text - No. This isnt over i didnt agree to breakup Lets meet up for coffee? I just want to talk Hey, are you ignoring me? I bet you're cheating on me right now, aren't you, b Answer me. Please, I just want to Did you tell my cousin I got in a car accident? WTF is wrong with you? My mom is crying. I just did what I had to do. 179% Let's meet somewhere and talk. Omfg. No. This is so wrong. I'm blocking you

Psychotic Incel Threatens His Ex-Girlfriend, She Has To Involve The Police

reddit post | thumbnail text - Girl rejected me after 3rd date. After one day she says she made a mistake. What the hell is going on? I Need Advice M31, spoke to a girl (26F) for 7 weeks, which was awesome. We had an amazing first date, which lasted 6 hours and definite spark. We then arranged a 2nd date but

Guy Goes On Amazing First Date But Girl Can't Make Up Her Mind And Totally Gives Him Whiplash

twitter post | thumbnail text - Annabelle @Annabllebitch7 Sometimes i crawl around like a dog to see what it's like to be my ex 12:51 AM - Jul 10, 2022

14 Funny Breakup Tweets To Get You Over Your Ex