bad dates

10 bad dates that accurately sum up 2020 | thumbnail includes pop art image of woman crying Text - my dating life is so on brand with 2020 | I turned down a guy for a second date because he was a total f*cking weirdo He didn't take it too well and made an ad on Craigslist with one of my pictures saying I was horny and I wanted sex. I had to change my number

Dating Nightmares: 10 Bad Dates Which Accurately Sum Up 2020

bad date story about guy who woke up hungover after one-night stand and peed in closet | After coming to grips with reality and noticing that it was in fact my wardrobe and not a toilet in which he was pissing in, he apologized and made an attempt to salvage my belongings from his mid slumber urination. TIME FOR ME TO MAKE A PEE PEE

Woman's One-Night Stand Pees In Her Closet, Ruins All Her Shoes

stories about worst dates men went on with women in NYC | thumbnail man with speech bubbles Text - I LIKE WOMEN THE SAME WAY I LIKE MY COFFEE... WITHOUT SOMEONE'S D*CK IN IT

Dating Nightmares: Guys Share Their Worst Dates With Women

Things guys do before dates that piss women off | thumbnail image of man texting Text - sorry been busy all week. You up? Texting us after you have been out drinking to ask if we want to 'meet up' or 'hang out' is a bush league move. It's desperate. It's sleazy. Don't do it. F *ck off.

Dating Nightmares: Things Men Do Before Dates Which Annoy Women

dating fail about guy who owned a plane but shared bedroom with two brothers | thumbnail pop art image of guy in plane Text - How about you buy me some drinks and I will tell you all about my plane? | would rather share 600 square feet brothers than give up my plane proclaimed as made me pay $100 worth of tequila downed on our date

My Dating Nightmare: Guy 'Owned Plane', But Shared A Bedroom With Two Brothers

bad dating stories about crazy things women found when googling their dates | thumbnail includes pop art graphic of woman at computer Text - I'm dating a sex offender?! | Turns out, the guy had THREE cases of sexual assault and battery he had been convicted of within the last five years (he was 34). When I confronted him about it via text he told me he had a crazy ex-girlfriend. Likely story.

Dating Nightmares: Craziest Things People Found After Googling Their Date

Things people did which immediately turned off their partners | thumbnail Text - "SENT ME A SNAP CHAT OF THEM ON THE SHITTER. THEN SAID "WHAT? YOU DONT LIKE MY POOP SELFIES?" I HAD ONLY MATCHED WITH THEM ON TINDER LIKE 5 DAYS BEFORE."

Things People Did Which Which Turned Off Their Partners

bad dating stories about guys who were rude on first dates | thumbnail pop art graphic of man and woman Text - not to be rude, but what is your cup size | A guy I was on a date with kept texting and looking at his phone. Finally, I asked him what was going on. Turns out he was arguing with his ex about taking me to a place they used to go

Dating Nightmares: Rude Things Men Have Done On First Dates

dating fail about a guy who had diarrhea on first date on halloween | thumbnail Text - I just shit my pants | Apparently, the scariest thing about this evening was Bryce's gastrointestinal system because he sh*t his pants right in the middle of the haunted house.

My Dating Nightmare: Explosive Diarrhea Disaster On Halloween

dating fail story about guy who stabbed ex-wife with fork | thumbnail pop art image of guy Text - "give me a chance or I'll throw my fork at you" | He how his drugs and alcohol addiction caused him to lose his job and ruin his first AND second marriage by drunkenly trying to stab his ex-wife with a fork in a restaurant, resulting in incarceration.

My Dating Nightmare: The 'Recovering' Alcoholic Who Stabbed Ex-Wife With Fork

awkward dating nightmare of guy who was a total cheapskate - thumbnail includes pop art pic of woman holding coffee text - if you can't afford coffee, you can't afford this W.A.P | Jeff suggested we meet at one particular establishment you may or may not have heard of.  Starbucks.

My Dating Nightmare: The Cappuccino Cheapskate

Story of Bad One-Night Stand Who Insisted On Cooking Naked In My Kitchen - cover image "I found liam stark naked cooking breakfast, testicles pressed up against the knobs of my oven." | YOUR BALLS ARE DISGUSTING AND DON'T WANT TO SEE THEM

My Dating Nightmare: Bad One-Night Stand Insisted On Cooking Naked In My Kitchen

woman reveals bad date about guy with porn addiction cover image guy dragging bag of baggage | AND THAT IS HOW I ENDED up BROKE AND IN THERAPY! "He disclosed how his debilitating addiction to porn had caused him to lose his job and ultimately ruin his life."

My Dating Nightmare: Guy Was A Broke, Recovering Porn Addict

woman reveals bad date about guy who lived in minivan and wanted to use her shower cover image of man asking woman to use her shower | IT WAS LOVELY MEETING you CAN PLEASE USE YOUR SHOWER?

My Dating Nightmare: Dude Lived In A Minivan And Asked To Shower At My Place

dating nightmare mailman sexually graphic mood killer bad dates great stories dating apps funny single society New York City | comic cartoon woman holding a finger to her lips you EVER MEET A MAN AND IT'S SO OBVIOUS THAT NO ONE HAS EVER TOW HIM TO SHUT THE F*CK UP?

My Dating Nightmare: Sexually Graphic Mailman Was A Total Mood Killer

dating nightmare skanky saloon bar bad dates great stories dating apps funny single society New York City | comic illustration man and woman face to face and speech bubble WISH THERE WAS A MUTE BUTTON FOR YOUR FACE

Guy Takes Woman To Skanky Saloon Bar For First Date