bad dates

tik tok about bad date | thumbnail text -

Alarmed Woman Accidentally Goes On Date With Fascist Who Paid For His Portion Of Date With A Gift Card

10 Crazy Things Men Have Admitted On Dates| thumbnail text - admitted he was way behind on child support and about to get his wages garnished, but spent 10k on boob implants for his ex-girlfriend

10 Crazy Things Men Have Admitted On Dates

People Share Their First Dates That Were So Bad They Had To Walk Out| Thumbnail Text - Gesture - "He snapped his fingers at a waiter. It was so rude, and I was mortified. I left before we even ordered drinks."

People Share Their First Dates That Were So Bad They Had To Walk Out

Women Reveal The Absolute Worst Sex They Ever Had | Thumbnail text - "I started BURNING 'down there'. Turns out he had super hot wings for lunch and didn't wash his hands thoroughly enough."

Women Reveal The Absolute Worst Sex They Ever Had

askmen post | thumbnail text - molonel 1 hr. ago ended up at police station closed down restaurant where were eating, and were going bar some drinks. She got pulled over on way, and failed her field sobriety test waiting my car, saw her get put handcuffs middle mouthing WTE cop made get out and do field sobriety test (which obviously passed then made come police station with them. She evidently showed up hammered date. There were couple red flags but had chalked up first date butterflies.

Men Reveal The Moment They Decided To Walk Out On A First Date

Tinder Date 'Craps' In Girls Car, Doesn't Pay To Clean It And Then Ghosts Her| Thumbnail Text - White - AITA for venmo requesting $ from a tinder date after he crapped in my car? I(19f) went on a tinder date with a guy who I knew from hs. We were mutual acquaintances before this, and when we matched on tinder we agreed to meet up.

Tinder Date 'Craps' In Girls Car, Doesn't Pay To Clean It And Then Ghosts Her

Guy Loses It After Woman Rejects Him After Telling Her He Was Obsessed With His Ex | thumbnail text - Clearly you are an emotionless cat lady. I've fu way more people than you will ever f You're a malicious person and I'm sure you'll die alone

Guy Obsessed With His Ex Gets Rejected After Date, And Loses His Sh*t

guy asks woman to venmo him for three dates after she rejects him and gets roasted | thumbnail text - it's only fair to ask for equal payment from you from the dates we went on. I believe it was 3 separate times we went out bars/restaurants where I paid for us both each time. I'd say $35 is more than fair for your food and drinks that I got you during those dates. I view you as a fair girl, I hope you'll consider reimbursing me. Thanks! Alex @alexo colbath It's the audacity for me. CK Share Paym

Twitter Annihilates Guy Who Asks Woman For Reimbursement After Tinder Date

Woman Gets Sweet Revenge On Toxic F*ck Boy With His Landlord| thumbnail text - I started hooking up with this guy we will call Jake even though he was a complete f*ck boy because I was hopelessly addicted to...his d*ck.

Woman Gets Sweet Revenge On Toxic F*ck Boy With His Landlord

women reveal stories of men who acted like total psychos after they were dumped | thumbnail text -

8 Times Guys Were Complete Psychos After They Were Dumped

roundup of the worst dates from this week | thumbnail text - He told me he was sorry he was 'off,' but he tried acid for the first This time last night and it made him feel like shit.

Roundup Of The Absolute Worst Dates People Went On This Week

Misogynistic things real men actually said on a date | thumbnail pop art image of man and woman text - if you don't want your ass grabbed don't wear revealing clothing

10 Misogynistic Things Real Men Have Actually Said On Dates

awful texts men had the audacity to send women after being rejected | thumbnail text - rejecting me? It's clear you are a stupid skank

Awful Texts Men Had The Audacity To Send Women After Being Rejected

Hilarious tweets about dating during a pandemic| thumbnail text - Dylan and I were set up by a mutual friend after I decided to put down the dating apps and try the 'organic' approach.

Woman's Date Ends Up With A Hit And Run Car Crash

The Time My Date Peed On My Lawn:Bad Dates - Real Women| thumbnail text - he literally strts chugging this bottle of wine

The Time My Date Peed On My Lawn︱Bad Dates - Real Women

8 people confess their most embarrassing wedding dates | thumbnail text - Who invited that asshole?

8 People Spill The Tea On Their Most Embarrassing Wedding Dates