
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

The Worst House-Guest Experience People Had The 'Privilege' Of Handling| Thumbnail text - r/AskReddit u/Valkyrie_to_Odin • 16h 60 O 42 S 67 84 What's the worst houseguest experience you've had? 51.9k 12.6k Share13h 4 Awards One of my best buddies from high school called me up and begged for me to come get him from a town about three hours away. The idea was he would stay with us for a couple weeks while he looked for work and then get his own place. Six months later I ended up renting him a room

The Worst House-Guest Experience People Had The 'Privilege' Of Handling

Women Call Out The Things They Do That Are Traditionally 'Masculine'| thumbnail text - LadyLikesSpiders · 8h I like heavy metal and play guitar. Metal is mostly hairy men screaming I play quite a bit of videogames. I think gaming isn't exactly a men's only club, but there is still a fair bit of misogyny and gendered gatekeeping in the community that I can go ahead and say it isn't particularly feminine G Reply 1 Vote 3 ...

Ladies Call Out The Things They Do That Are Traditionally 'Masculine'

Psycho In-Laws Trap Son-In-Law In A Room When He Won't Reveal His Salary To Them| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/Noshitsorry_ • 5h AITA for calling my inlaws gold-diggers for insisting to know how much my new job pays? I'm M28 Canadian and my fiancée F26 and her family are from Latin America. my mother and father in law found out about my new job and wanted to have a "private" conversation with me without my fiancée so they invited me to their house.

Psycho In-Laws Trap Son-In-Law In A Room When He Won't Reveal His Salary To Them

gender sexism men annoying expectations vs reality askreddit Reddit women gender roles - 14478597

Men Confess The Things They Wish They Could Do, Even Though It's 'Unmanly'

The type of friend men are in the group | thumbnail text - james21michael · 23h That one dude who casually bails and flakes on the group but still maintains a good friendship with everyone despite group being annoyed with me every time I flake out.

Men Disclose What Type Of Friend They Are In Their Crews

Women reveal how they prep for dick appointments | thumbnail text - russianvalkyrie98 · 2y If I feel jazzed enough I do prepare. -shower -shave armpits legs and trim the lady bits -brush teeth and pluck eyebrows if they need it • do hair and makeup if its a date put on a cute outfit with sexy lingerie underneath

Women Reveal How They Prep For Sexy Times

People Disclose What Is Supposed To Be Sexy, But Is A Major Turn Off To Them| thumbnail text - Momma_tried378 · 4d Guys with shirts two sizes too small. It makes my armpits uncomfortable just looking at them. G Reply 1 4.1k 3 ...

People Disclose What Is Supposed To Be Sexy, But Is A Major Turn Off To Them

People Reveal The Moments They Realized They Were Turning Into Their Mom| thumbnail text - lucysmyname · 15h I told my kids to go clean their rooms. I sounded so much like my mom that I ran and cleaned mine, too. Reply 4 Vote 3 ...

Women Reveal The Moments They Realized They Were Turning Into Their Mom

Unrealistic movie things that wouldn't happen IRL | thumbnail text - Twisty_10 · 13h People are up in the morning with enough time to have a home- cooked breakfast, casual family conversation, just relaxing and taking their time. Like on a school day.

Ridiculous Things Which Happen In Movies That Never Happen In Real Life

People's most badass moments | thumbnail text - ChesterMcGonigle · 11h 3 I went on a snorkeling trip off the coast of Kauai. There was a newlywed couple there that I could tell weren't good in the water. We're out in the water and they're off by themselves and I can see that the wife is crying and the husband has a panicked look on his face. Turns out they didn't realize that skin contracts in water and he lost his wedding ring off his finger. I scan around for a while and find it 30 feet down o

People Recall And Celebrate The Most Badass Moments Of Their Lives

People Unveil Random Things That Annoy Them Like None-Other| thumbnail text - Loozka • 11h When you are telling a person something and in the exact same moment that person decides that whatever he wants to say is way more important and interrupts you. Like, go talk to yourself then. 6 Reply 1 378 3 ...

People Unveil Oddly Specific Things That Just Annoy Them Like No Other

People Disclose The Embarrassing Misconceptions They Held About Sex| thumbnail text - FreshTeriyaki · 18h I thought that once you get married, the woman would become pregnant. I was really confused on how some women weren't pregnant even though they were married. And then I found out the hard way. G Reply 4 341 ...

People Disclose The Embarrassing Misconceptions They Held About Sex

Bisexual Women Reveal The Different Qualities They Seek In Men And Women| thumbnail text - Magenta_Mom · 1d I mean for men my standards are: doesn't treat me and the people around him like shit, I can talk to in a fun open way, I am attracted to, is attracted to me, etc. For women: any woman G Reply 1 27 3 + ...

Bisexual Women Reveal The Different Qualities They Seek In Men And Women

What goes down behind the scenes on reality tv | thumbnail text - airkalen · 2h I was an extra in an episode of Next that was shot at Venice Beach. It took 2 hours for the girl to "Next' 1 guy. This guy would run off the bus then do a couple back flips before immediately getting nexted by the girl. This legit took no less than 25 takes and to this day I'm shocked that guy was able to do so many backflips.

People Reveal What Reality TV Shows Are Like Behind The Scenes

How men recover after getting played by women | thumbnail text -  sump_---_erson · 1h Recognize that you are grieving over the idea of the woman you thought she was, and not the loss of who she truly was.

Men Reveal How They Got Over Being Played By Women They Trusted

People Reveal The Last Straw That Ended Their Previous Relationships| thumbnail text - Jenny_Tillia · 5h He tried to make me feel guilty for expecting him to contribute a whopping 300 dollars to our living expenses that month. G Reply 1 Vote ...

People Reveal The Last Straw That Ended Their Previous Relationships