
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

More Ways To Tell If A Man Actually Wants To Be Your Friend VS Just Wants To Sleep With You| thumbnail text - Ferretastic359 • 10h Also 'accidential' touch rarely happens with guys who want to be friends. And if it happens it actually does happen by accident, gets immediately addressed and laughed off Vote ...

More Ways To Tell If A Man Actually Wants To Be Your Friend VS Just Wants To Sleep With You

Men Reveal Their Least Favorite Things About Their Private Parts| thumbnail text - Cyanora · 9h 6 Awards It's like having a compass that only ever leads me to trouble. G Reply 1 9.1k 3 ...

Men Reveal Their Least Favorite Things About Their Private Parts

Husband Is Humiliated After His Jealous Wife Bullies Their Friend| Thumbnail Text - Rectangle - AITA For Telling My Wife to Stop Being So Jealous of My Friends Fiancé? My wife (35F) and I (36M) are good friends with another couple my best friend Matt (36M) and his fiancé Rachel (24F). Rachel models and is very attractive. My wife is less conventionally attractive, but I fell in love with her for her humor and good spirit. Recently I've noticed my wife making a lot of comments about Rachel callin

Husband Is Humiliated After His Jealous Wife Bullies Their Pretty Friend

People Expose The Absurd Things They've Seen Proudly Written On Dating Profiles| thumbnail text - -helpwanted · 11h "Im looking for all the fun and excitement of a secret lover screams "I'm married."

People Expose The Absurd Things They've Seen Proudly Written On Dating Profiles

Medical professionals reveal baby names they talked parents out of | thumbnail text - I worked at a registrar for a while and among the birth certificates I got some of the standouts i saw were: Killer, Syphilis and Sweet Prayer Sunrise

Medical Professionals Reveal Ridiculous Baby Names They Tried to Talk Parents Out Of

Men Spill The Tea On Minimum Requirements They Need To Have Sex| Thumbnail text - Person - YAV Hey now are talking about sex, bat shit crazy women can throw down beverly Hills

Men Spill The Tea On Minimum Requirements They Need To Have Sex

unforgettable sleepover incidents | thumbnail text - EspressoShot101 · 4h My friend peed my bed when we were 15, and I unknowingly rolled into it. She left while I was still sleeping and didn't say anything. After that she never talked to me again

Sleepover Incidents That Will Never Be Forgotten

People Reveal Signs That Somebody Is Not As Smart As They Think| thumbnail text - CrabSully · 14h Definitely bring a know it all. The smarter you get, the more you're aware of how much you don't know. I've never heard the most intelligent people I know gloat. G Reply 1 70 3 + ...

People Reveal Signs That Someone Is Not As Smart As They Think

Wedding Moments That Made It Achingly Obvious It Wasn't Going To Work Out| thumbnail text - MyHandleisHandle · 1y When the priest equivalent said "You may kiss the bride" she turned so that it would be a kiss on the cheek. Even as a child that set off alarm bells. They have been divorced for a long time. 1 3.1k ...

Wedding Moments That Made It Achingly Obvious It Wasn't Going To Work Out

Fifteen Times People Had No Choice But To Walk Out Mid-Sex| thumbnail text - SynchronizedCalamity · 18h S 11 Awards We hadn't gotten very far, but I quickly moved down while she quickly moved up, and I broke my nose on her pelvic bone. She suddenly flipped the absolute fuck out, screaming at me about "ruining our night" as blood gushed out of my nose. Mind you this was like the second date. She continued to yell at me about how I needed to fix this (a total accident)

Fifteen Times People Had No Choice But To Walk Out Mid-Sex

Hypocritical Dad Shames His Daughter Even Though He Was A College Hoe| Thumbnail Text - Rectangle - AITA for telling my mom she must have had no self-respect to marry my dad? My (16F) high school has an annual fall dance. The boys are supposed to ask the girls, and yesterday at lunch, a boy asked me andI agreed to go with him. When I told my dad, he said didn't want me to turn into one of those "slutty girls" who give it all away to the first guy they meet and who no self-respecting man would ev

Hypocritical Dad Shames His Daughter Even Though He Was A College Ho

Australians Brutally Roast American Food, And It Gets Personal| thumbnail text - Needmoresnakes · 14d Biscuits and gravy. They served it to my Mum when she was in Texas on holiday. What the hell you guys. 9 Reply Share ...

Australians Brutally Roast American Food, And It Gets Personal

People Expose What Screams, 'I'm Rich, But I Pretend I'm Poor'| thumbnail text - International-Pen518 · 9h Trust fund hippies who slum it and work minimally if at all knowing they can always call their parents for a check. G Reply 4 56 3 ... tarabithia22· 2h Ah, you've been to my liberal arts college, I see. + ..

People Expose What Screams, 'I'm Rich, But I Pretend I'm Poor'

Women Reveal Their True Opinions On Going 'Bra-Less'| thumbnail text - Font - hundred_hands · 19h HON I'm not smallI, or big... but I swear, my nips stare back so I don't go without. Reply Share

Women Reveal How They Really Feel About Going 'Bra-Less'

Step-Dad Refuses To Help Pregnant Daughter Since He's Not the 'Real Dad'| Thumbnail text - Rectangle - AITA I didn't let my daughter stay with me and my wife after she got pregnant My(48M) daughter(21F) started dating this guy 2 years ago. I told her she can do better than a drug addict with theft charges. She said she's an adult who can make her own life decisions and it's none of my business who she dates. She got pregnant with his child. She said it's none of my business and I shouldn't be tr

Step-Dad Refuses To Help Pregnant Daughter Since He's Not the 'Real Dad'

Men Expose Things That Immediately Cause Them To Lose Respect For Other Men| thumbnail text - Initial_Mess_1814 · 19h "All my ex's are crazy" like ... we know it was you . You're not fooling anyone Steven 6 Reply 1 761 ...

Men Expose Things That Immediately Cause Them To Lose Respect For Other Men