
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

Sweet Little Things Men Can Do To Make Them More Attractive| thumbnail text - Affectionate_Load386 · 12h Pockets, women don't have enough pockets. G Reply 4 39 3 ...

Sweet Little Things Men Can Do To Make Them More Attractive

Fat Shaming dresses friendship girl drama aita askreddit body body positivity Reddit - 15611653

Woman Fat Shames Friend For Ripping Her Dress By Accident

People Expose How a the ‘Weird Kid’ From Their School Got Their Reputation| thumbnail text - likesevenchickens • 8h Did an extremely impressive seagull impression. Never mind, that was actually the cool kid.

People Expose How The ‘Weird Kid’ From Their School Got Their Reputation

Reddit thread about moments women surprised themselves | thumbnail text -  trdrps 12 hours ago When my first boyfriend and I broke up, I went full on crazy ex girlfriend mode. He broke up with me because he liked someone else and I was devastated. I got into all of his social media accounts because I knew the passwords, just to see if he was dating that girl. I do regret it, but it taught me a lot.

Women Toast To Things They Did Which Were So Out Of Character Even They Were Surprised

People Unveil Things Someone Can Do That Immediately Screams, 'I'm An A-Hole"| thumbnail text - PixelSpecter · 6h "Do you know who I am?" No and if you were important enough then I would know who you are. G Reply 1 1.2k 3 ... +

People Unveil Things Someone Can Do That Immediately Screams, 'I'm An A-Hole"

Fifteen Of The Dumbest Pieces Of Advice Women Got When They Were Pregnant| thumbnail text - SoldMySoulForHairDye · 2y While pregnant with me, my mom was told that drinking beer would help her baby develop and be nice and chubby. I was five weeks early and barely six pounds. 18.6k ...

Fifteen Of The Dumbest Pieces Of Advice Women Received When They Were Pregnant

Greedy Man Won't Take GF To Restaurants Because He Prefers Her To Cook| Thumbnail Text - Light - AITA for never wanting to go to restaurants because my girlfriend makes food that's better than restaurant food? I've been with my wonderful gf for a few years now, and we usually get along great, aside from this issue. She can taste and smell a dish and then turn around and recreate it, or even make it better than the original. It's gotten to the point where I don't see any point in going out to eat

Greedy Man Won't Take GF To Restaurants Because He Prefers Her To Cook

Hilarious tweets about dating during a pandemic| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Oldbath5119 14 hours ago S VOTE AITA for not inviting my brother or his family to my son's wedding until his daughter apologises for her actions?

Delusional Woman Expects To Be Invited To A Family Wedding After Making Fun Of Her Cousin's Disability

People Expose The Hobbies That Scream, "He Doesn't Have A Girlfriend"| thumbnail text - mercenaryghostwriter · 19h Earnestly attempting to initiate debates on Twitter. It's Twitter, dude. I'm not going to pretend to take you or your anime userpic seriously.

People Expose The Hobbies That Scream, 'He Doesn't Have A Girlfriend'

people share their 'if I got caught there was no explanation' stories | thumbnail Text - meme-ikyu 41 points · 21 hours ago Brought a kitchen knife to Disney hidden in the liner of my backpack. Had previously put it in there to cut up fruit, and it somehow ended up getting stuck between the inner and outer layers of the bag. I never noticed until I was literally in the bag check line at Disney. Panicked for a while but no one noticed it.

People's 'If I Get Caught There's No Explanation' Stories

People Unveil The Most Useless Things They Learned In School| thumbnail text - dumbinternetstuff · 17h S They mostly taught us to ask permission in order to use the bathroom.

People Unveil The Most Useless Things They Learned In School

Sex ed horror stories from teachers and students | thumbnail Text - AlsoIHaveAGroupon 1.7k points · 24 days ago We did a thing in 9th grade where anyone could write down a question anonymously. One was about average penis size. This was in the early 90s, so that wasn't something we could just google. The sex ed teacher, who was highly trained at coaching football but probably not at sex ed, told us "between 7 and 9 inches." Probably every guy nervously glanced around the room and tried

Sex-Ed Horror Stories From Teachers And Students

People Expose Absurd Things Their Exes Have Asked Them To Change| thumbnail text - tooterfish80 · 11h My former spouse asked me to move my period because it fell on his three day weekend and he refused to have sex with me when I was "broken" so that was a real bummer for him. I suggested that he ask one of the other guys to swap with him but he wouldn't even ask and I suspect it's because he knew noone liked him enough.

People Expose Absurd Things Their Exes Have Asked Them To Change

worst reasons people were dumped - cover pic story about being dumped for being tested for autism | chubbylilchicken had explained my boyfriend at time going get evaluated autism and he broke up with because would make him look bad and he didnt want do charity work.

Worst Reasons People Were Dumped

Men Expose The Things That Make Them Go, ‘I’m Out’ In A Relationship| thumbnail text - LateNightCuriosity13 · 19h S 1 Award "I only drink on days that end in Y" I used to date an alcoholic who saw nothing wrong with getting drunk everyday and would blow off plans because she was hammered or hungover 6 Reply & 4.7k 3 ...

Men Expose The Things That Make Them Go, ‘I’m Out’ In A Relationship

Here Are The Worst Names To Give a Child Currently| Thumbnail Text - Smile - TheBigDissapoint · 1d. My cousin named his first son King and his first daughter Queen. So there's that. 3.6k J Reply Share Report Save

Here Are The Worst Names To Give a Child Right Now