
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

People Throw Out Old Fashioned Trends They’re Eager To See Make A Comeback| thumbnail text -  april_eleven · 16h Uncropped tops for goodness sake can I get a whole shirt please G Reply Vote ...

People Throw Out Old Fashioned Trends They’re Eager To See Make A Comeback

Controlling Husband Throws Away Wife's Diet Food And Demands She Cancel Gym Membership| Thumbnail Text - Plant - AITA for yelling at my husband for throwing out all of my diet food? 1(29F) struggled with weight my entire life, I weighed over 200 when I graduated high school and it went up during college

Controlling Husband Throws Away Wife's Diet Food And Demands She Cancel Gym Membership

reddit thread about nice girls who aren't actually that nice | thumbnail text -  r/AskReddit - Posted by u/TheGame2526 17 hours ago Men what is your worst encounter with a "nice girl"?

Men Recall Moments In Which Women Did Them Dirty

How Parents Reacted When They Found Out Their Kids Were Porn Stars | thumbnail text - amethystdiavalone · 3d My high school best friend left school at 17, moved out of her parents' house and started to do porn. She is pretty well-known and famous on porn sites, however she comes from a traditional conservative background with parents who were always strict. Her parents found out only recently, after years of her doing porn , as her father is a driving instructor and one of his students showed hi

How Parents Reacted When They Found Out Their Kids Were Porn Stars

Things You Don't Want To Hear After Stripping Naked In Front Of Someone| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Deadly_R 9 hours ago What shouldn't you say when you see someone naked for the first time? 545 Comments ••88% Upvoted

Things You Don't Want To Hear After Stripping Naked In Front Of Someone

When I Found Out My Date Was Actually Married' | thumbnail text - Dave. Half because every Dave I've ever had the displeasure of knowing was an a, and half because of a local commercial where it's used as a really funny name for a rude or problematic coworker. Davids, on the other hand, have been quite charming.

Women Reveal Which Male Names Have Been Ruined Forever In Their Minds

12 Year Old Gets Bullied At School And Blames Mom For Letting Her Wear Tacky Outfit| Thumbnail Text - Facial expression - AITA for not making my daughter change her outfit before school? This morning my daughter (12/F) dressed for school in an objectively hideous outfit- clashing patterns and colors, she legitimately looked like a clown.

12 Year Old Gets Bullied At School And Blames Mom For Letting Her Wear Tacky Outfit

Homophobic Mother Used To Shame Gay Daughter - Now Wants Her To Play Music At Her Wedding To A Woman| Thumbnail Text - Gesture - AITA for refusing to play my music at my mother's wedding? I (F18) was outed as a lesbian to my mom and dad when I was 15. After this, my dad reacted in a completely negative way- he called me slurs, threatened to kick me out and more.

Homophobic Mother Used To Shame Gay Daughter - Now Wants Her To Play Music At Her Wedding To A Woman

Men Reveal Why They Are So Mesmerized By Butts| Thumbnail text - Men Reveal Why They Are So Mesmerized By Butts

Men Reveal Why They Are So Mesmerized By Butts

People Reveal Red Flags That Made Them Yeet Out Of Their Toxic Relationships| thumbnail text - El_Duende666 · 14 hr. ago She showed up at my job, but what's crazier is that I never told her where I worked.

People Reveal Red Flags That Made Them Yeet Out Of Their Toxic Relationships

Women Is Forced To Pee In Cat Box Because Her Partner Hogged Bathroom For An Hour| Thumbnail Text - Cat - AITA for peeing in the cat tray? Okay, this is weird and l'm using a throwaway because this is so embarrassing. Me (29F) and my Partner (25M) have been dating for 3 years and have lived together for one of those. We live in a small i bedroom flat that has one bathroom with our 2 cats.

Women Is Forced To Pee In Cat Box Because Her Partner Hogged Bathroom For An Hour

Idiotic New Dad Plays Gross Prank On Wife While She Was 8 Hours Into Labor| Thumbnail Text - Nose - AITA for kicking my husband out of the delivery room? I (23F) and my husband (24M) just had our first baby. My husband was so excited and was super supportive throughout the pregnancy. The only thing is he became obsessed with watching YouTube and TikTok videos of husbands pulling pranks on their wives while in labor.

Idiotic New Dad Plays Gross Prank On Wife While She Was 8 Hours Into Labor

Tinder Date 'Craps' In Girls Car, Doesn't Pay To Clean It And Then Ghosts Her| Thumbnail Text - White - AITA for venmo requesting $ from a tinder date after he crapped in my car? I(19f) went on a tinder date with a guy who I knew from hs. We were mutual acquaintances before this, and when we matched on tinder we agreed to meet up.

Tinder Date 'Craps' In Girls Car, Doesn't Pay To Clean It And Then Ghosts Her

People's most shallow turnoffs and dealbreakers | thumbnail text - Senepicmar 2 days ago If she has the same laugh as Janice from Friends

People Reveal Their Most Shallow Turnoffs And Ridiculous Dealbreakers

Heartless Boyfriend Cares More About His Promotion Than His GF Losing A Patient A Work| Thumbnail Text - Product - AITA for walking out of my boyfriend's celebratory dinner? So my boyfriend, Kyle (26M) recently got a promotion to general manager at the restaurant he works at. I (22F) work full time as a pediatric nurse and my hours are kinda all over the place right now

Heartless Boyfriend Cares More About His Promotion Than His GF Losing A Patient A Work

Neglectful Husband Forgets To Change Baby For 4 Hours And Has The Audacity To Say Wife Is Being Unfair| Thumbnail Text - Sleeve - AITA for how I reacted after I discovered my husband left our daughter in dirty diaper for 4hrs? My husband (35m) and I (32m) been married for 3 years. We have a toddler and an infant.

Neglectful Husband Forgets To Change Baby For 4 Hours And Has The Audacity To Say Wife Is Being Unfair