
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

People Spill Company Secrets From Places They Don’t Work At Anymore| Thumbnail text - Embarrassed-Ad8053 · 4d we used to throw any donuts, bagels, or muffins out at the end of every night at dunkin. one week around christmas time we would donate the food, but other than that it was all waste, and if we took any home ourselves we would get charged for it. G Reply 1 2.8k 3

People Spill Company Secrets From Places They Don’t Work At Anymore

Overbearing Husband Tells Wife She Needs To Stick To Keto Diet| Thumbnail Text - Food - AITA for telling my wife that she needs to put in more effort to lose weight? My wife(28F) has gained a lot of weight over the last two years since she's been working from home

Overbearing Husband Tells Wife She Needs To Stick To Keto Diet

People Reveal Why Women Live Longer Than Men| Thumbnail text - abolish_gender · 6d I know people (rightfully) like to hate on HR, but if a company brags about "not having an HR department to deal with," expect them to be very disorganized at a minimum. G Reply 4 2.2k 3

People Expose Major Red Flags That Pop Up During Job Interviews

Teachers Expose The Weirdest Thing They Had To Confiscate From A Student| Thumbnail text - Convictfish • 11m Six brown onions. From his pockets. I was too flabbergasted to really get that annoyed.

Teachers Expose The Weirdest Thing They Had To Confiscate From A Student

Misogynistic Man Labels GF His 'Trophy Wife'  And Allows Friends To Make Sexist/Racist Jokes About Her| Thumbnail Text - Face - AITA for calling my academic girlfriend a trophy wife as a joke? My gf of 5 years, Clara (25F), and I (26M) both attend the same university. I'm finishing up my STEM BSc and she's in the 3rd year of studying for a doctorate

Misogynistic Man Labels GF His 'Trophy Wife' And Allows Friends To Make Sexist/Racist Jokes About Her

Delusional Man Re-Homes His Dog And Demands The New Owners Don't Change His Name| Thumbnail Text - Dog - AITA for telling the family that adopted my dog that they had no permission to rename him? I used to have a german shepard named "Willy" but had to put him up for adoption because my future stepson is allergic to dogs

Delusional Man Re-Homes His Dog And Demands The New Owners Don't Change His Name

People Expose The Things They Saw Someone Do That Made Them Hate Them Immediately| Thumbnail text - stuartullman• 8h she kept insulting her friend in front of me. i think she thought it was cute or something. and it was clear her friend was feeling uncomfortable about it, even at one point telling her to stop, which just made her repeatedly insult her more. now whenever she comes by to talk i get this shiver of disgust down my spine.

People Expose The Things They Saw Someone Do That Made Them Hate Them Immediately

worst enemy reddit thread | thumbnail text -  hytarx_23 · 2h A LOUD bug stuck in their bedroom that flies around when they try to sleep. And they can never catch it.

Creative Things To Wish Upon Our Worst Enemies

Women Reveal The Most Aggressive Things A Woman Has Done To again Their Attention| Thumbnail text - I was giving a ride home from the bar. When we got to her place, I said goodnight. She grabbed the keys out of my ignition and said you aren't going anywhere tonight and ran into her house with them.

Women Reveal The Most Aggressive Things A Woman Has Done To again Their Attention

Teachers Reveal The Worst Things Kids Bought In For Show And Tell | thumbnail text - Saerica22 · 13h The teacher across the hall from me had a student who brought what he thought was a lucky rabbit foot to show to the class and excitedly announced he had enough for everyone in the class. The rabbit foot was a tampon.

Teachers Reveal The Worst Things Kids Bought In For Show And Tell

Girlfriend Accused of Living A Double Life After Changing Name And Hiding Money From BF| Thumbnail text - Photograph - TES OPAMIERIC CATE F 746225221 (23M) I have been dating my girlfriend, Jane (21F) for nearly a year. She's always presented herself as a "broke college student" and will actively say that fact whenever money comes up and laughs it off. Here's where the red flags start.. TEDERAT THE UNITF AITA For Calling Out My GF For Living A Double Life? STAR EDERAL THE UNIT ENOT AMERIO 679838

Girlfriend Accused of Living A Double Life After Changing Name And Hiding Money From BF

Mother Refused To Pay For Dinner Of Daughter's 30 Year Old Boyfriend| Thumbnail text - Product - AITA for refusing to pay for my daughter's boyfriend's meal? I'm a mother of a 24 year old daughter "Christine", Christine moved back to our hometown after obtaining her college degree and met her current boyfriend Simon (30). I'm not a big fan of Simon.

Mother Refused To Pay For Dinner Of Daughter's 30 Year Old Boyfriend

Women Call Out Things They Really Wish Other Women Would Stop Doing| thumbnail text - carlwheezersgf · 9 hr. ago Putting down other women's hobbies or likes to get other people, especially men to see them as the "better" woman. Or putting down other women in general. Like let's just be friends

Women Call Out Things They Really Wish Other Women Would Stop Doing

Nightmare Teenaged Son Frames Housekeeper For Stealing And Husband Enables It| Thumbnail Text - Hand - AITA for believing the house keeper over my son? We hired a house keeper that comes over several times a week to get the house clean since my husband and I are busy with work. We have 2 kids (Jeremy 16 & Raya 14) now Jeremy is a jokester, he likes pulling pranks on everyone in the house..and that included the

Nightmare Teenaged Son Frames Housekeeper For Stealing And Husband Enables It

Men Disclose What Outfits They Like To See On Women| thumbnail - ILoveToph4Eva • 1d Love a girl in a flannel shirt and jeans. Preferably with some boots and a beanie to complete the look. Think farm/cow-girl aesthetic. As an aside, if she has short hair (pixie cuts in particular) then that's an absolute plus. G Reply ↑ 11 3 ...

Men Disclose What Outfits They Like To See On Women

hotel cleaners reveal weirdest things left behind by guests | thumbnail text - elgatodefelix 4 days ago 2 By the tub: empty gallon JUGS of milk next to empty CONTAINERS of Quaker Oats. Ma'am that is not how you have an oatmeal bath.

Hotel Cleaners Spill The Dirt On The Weirdest Things Guests Left Behind