
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

aita,askreddit,Reddit,dogs,pets,intervention,Relationships,relationship advice,toxic,mansplaining

Self-Righteous Boyfriend Mansplains To GF How She Should Take Better Care Of Her Dogs

Women Reveal How They Managed To Become Significantly More Attractive| thumbnail text - deepfriedsatan • 4d I fill in my brows, tuck in my shirt and cuff my pants and instantly go from homeless to fashion 4 49 3 ...

Women Reveal How They Managed To Become Significantly More Attractive

Immature Boyfriend Drunkenly Tosses GF's Sentimental Gift Around With His Friends Until It Breaks| Thumbnail Text - Glasses - AITA for insisting that my boyfriend pay me for breaking my $3,500 model ship? My F/33 Dad passed away and left me one of his last and favorite model ships. I had it on display in my living room.

Immature Boyfriend Drunkenly Tosses GF's Sentimental Ship Around With His Friends Until It Breaks

Irrational Husband Sabotages Wife By Cancelling Her Job Interview Behind Her Back| Thumbnail Text - Rectangle - AITA for flipping out on my husband for cancelling my job interview? (new account because he deleted my main) So, this might sound petty but let me explain. In 2019, I could no longer work because of my physical disabilities. No company wanted to hire me. My husband said that it's better I just stay home...

Irrational Husband Sabotages Wife By Cancelling Her Job Interview Behind Her Back

askreddit inappropriate times laugh situation awkward funny | ClaudetteElms 359 points 14 hours ago Sister letting em rip during funeral. She like 8 yrs old tears laughing with my brother and two similar age cousins all had get up and leave.

People Admit The Most Highly Inappropriate Times They Laughed

People Expose Parenting Trends They Very Much Disagree With| thumbnail text - AsteroidTicker · 22 hr. ago Starting a kid in a single sport from an early age and making that their whole life for some weird reason

People Expose Parenting Trends They Very Much Disagree With

Girlfriend Refuses To Cook For BF Anymore After He Claims Her Food 'Tastes Like Dirt'| Thumbnail Text - Rectangle - AITA for banning my partner from my cooking? My partner (29m) and I (24f) have been together for over two years, and we live together. We've been snowed in for three days, and I didn't want to make a run to the store today.

Girlfriend Refuses To Cook For BF Anymore After He Claims Her Food 'Tastes Like Dirt'

15 Things Former College Students Would Have Done Differently If They Could Have A Re-Do | Thumbnail Text - Face - APB NGates AV COLLEGE "Cheesy, but I would be myself this time. I tried so hard to 'recreate' myself in college. It would have been more enjoyable if I didn't try to be someone else and just had fun.

15 Things Former College Students Would Have Done Differently If They Could Have A Re-Do

Surprisingly Simple Things Which Can Make Someone That Much More Attractive| thumbnail text - brumagem · 3h A well-trimmed beard. It shows you can take care of yourself and it makes up for even the weakest of chins. 6 Reply

Surprisingly Simple Things Which Can Make Someone That Much More Attractive

Selfish Man Shames Pregnant Wife For Being 'Lazy' For Being Pregnant| Thumbnail Text - Organism - AITA for getting upset with my husband after he told me nothing will change while I am pregnant? So me (26f) and my husband (28m), who l'll call "Jake" for this story, have been together for 5 years and married for 3. We have recently started trying for a baby as we both felt like that was the next step in our life together...

Selfish Man Shames Pregnant Wife For Being 'Lazy' For Being Pregnant

15 People Come Clean About Their Socially Unacceptable Habits| Thumbnail Text - Hand - "I am a grown man who plays with action figures. Yes I make the noises to pretend they're fighting. Why should we lose our sense of wonder?"

15 People Come Clean About Their Socially Unacceptable Habits

Fifteen Tell-Tale Signs That A Man Is Overcompensating For his Insecurities| thumbnail text - jhope71 • 45d · Female If he claims to be an "alpha male" - dude, if you have to tell people (loudly and often) that you're alpha, you are definitely not. G Reply 1 2.0k 3 ...

Fifteen Tell-Tale Signs Which Show A Man Is Overcompensating For his Insecurities

14 Seemingly 'Wholesome' Things That Are Actually Extremely Toxic| thumbnail text - freakishfrenchhorn • 6d 1 Award Asking your child "Who's your boy/girlfriend?" any time they interact with someone of the opposite sex. G Reply 1 3.2k 3 ...

14 Seemingly 'Wholesome' Things Which Are Actually Extremely Toxic

16 People Share Their Most Unpopular Music Opinions| Thumbnail Text - Face - "Adele is incredible. Her songs are blah.'

16 People Share Their Most Unpopular Music Opinions

Woman Hid Pregnancy News From Her Family Until She Was 7 Months In| Thumbnail Text - Arm - AITA for not telling my family l'm 7 months pregnant? I (26 F) am pregnant with my boyfriend's child. We aren't married yet, but we will probably get married after the baby is born. My parents are very judgmental about unmarried couples having babies.

Woman Hid Pregnancy News From Her Family Until She Was 7 Months In

People Disclose Things That Could Literally Kill Them But They Do Everyday Anyway| Thumbnail text - comicsemporium · 18h Eating to many donuts. Just gotta stop

People Disclose Things That Could Literally Kill Them But They Do Everyday Anyway