
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

Non-Physical Traits People Confess They Actually Find Highly Attractive| thumbnail text - Rectangle - Moose197f • 10h If they talk to my dog in a little voice it's the cutest most open thing I just like it. G Reply ...

Non-Physical Traits People Confess They Actually Find Highly Attractive

Wedding Dress Associate 'Accidentally Fat Shames' A New Bride In The Shop| Thumbnail text - Wedding dress - AITA for telling a size 30 customer I won't recommend trying on a size 14 dress? I work as a bridal sales associate. The other day I'm assigned my bride, I ask the bride if she's tried on any dress before...

Wedding Dress Associate 'Accidentally Fat Shames' A New Bride In The Shop

Fifteen Brave People Expose Their Cringe-Worthy Sexual Experiences| thumbnail text - Nillabeans • 15h 4 Awards My first one! I was so nervous that I threw up like three times and the third time, while running to the toilet, I actually ran smack into a door and bounced back onto my naked butt. Pretty funny though and it made it impossible to be embarrassed in front of that guy ever again. G Reply 4 633 3 ...

Fifteen Brave People Expose Their Cringe-Worthy Sexual Experiences

Deal-Breaker Questions People Whip Out On The First Date| thumbnail text - cowfishAreReal · 12h Should women be homemakers? G Reply 4 Vote 3 ...

Deal-Breaker Questions People Whip Out On The First Date

people reveal reasons their teachers were fired - cover pic story about teacher acting like cult leader | sandyandy12 14.7k points 12 days ago One elementary school teachers at district went got arrested making his class worship him like he cult leader. He totally bonkers.

People Reveal The Almost Unbelievable Reasons Their Teachers Got Fired

aita,askreddit,reddit,glasses,parenting,Parenting Fail,Parenting fails,fatherhood,widow,money,babysitter,babysitting

Delusional Dad Refuses To Pay For Babysitter's Glasses After Daughter Breaks Them

Woman Makes Up Different Stories Every Time Someone Asks How She Lost Her Fingers|Thumbnail text - Finger - AITA for giving all of my coworkers a different reason for why Thave missing fingers? I have three fingers missing on my dominant hand. It's fine. I can type and everything and even manage to tie my shoelaces most days (and on the days I can't, that's the dyspraxia).

Woman Makes Up Different Stories Every Time Someone Asks How She Lost Her Fingers

Pregnant Woman Refuses To Change Diapers At Daycare Job| Thumbnail Text - Product - AITA for refusing to help out a pregnant coworker? I know the title might sound bad but please hear me out. I work in childcare and am currently in the 1-2 year old room. As you can imagine there are a lot of nappies (diapers) that need to be changed every day.

Pregnant Woman Refuses To Change Diapers At Daycare Job

People Expose Things The Other Sex Simply Won't Understand| Thumbnail text - coffeewithoutkids • 11h 5 Awards Trying to take of a sweaty sports bra and worrying that you're going to be tangled in it forever. G Reply 17k 3 ...

People Expose Things The Other Sex Simply Won't Understand

Captain Cheapskate Makes Friends Help Him Move House Without Repaying Them| Thumbnail text - Product - AITA for not buying lunch for the people that helped me move? I've been in a bit of a bad place financially for a while now. Living in a crappy apartment, paycheck to paycheck. I am still not doing much better but got a job in a cheaper city, in a decent apartment.

Captain Cheapskate Makes Friends Help Him Move House Without Repaying Them

Man Brings Bell To Dinner-Date To 'Grab The Staffs Attention'| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Blain-Ad-5996 5 hours ago 3 7 AITA for cancelling dinner when my boyfriend brought a bell to the diner to "grab" II the staff's attention?

Man Brings Bell To Dinner-Date To 'Grab The Staffs Attention'

Niece Gets Uncle Arrested To Get Back At His Kleptomaniac Wife| Thumbnail Text - Green - AITA for having my (25F) uncle (56M) arrested? Sol moved into my apartment (I own) back in 2020. I keep to a very minimalist lifestyle so I don't actually own very much at all...

Niece Gets Uncle Arrested To Get Back At His Kleptomaniac Wife

Husband Insists On Naming Their Baby A Girly Name Despite Wife's Wishes| Thumbnail Text - Cheek - AITA for not giving our baby girl a gender neutral name? Wife (27F) and I (27M) are expecting a baby girl by June. We both agreed we wanted to know the baby's gender just for curiosity since she is our first baby.

Husband Insists On Naming Their Baby A Girly Name Despite Wife's Wishes

New Dad Snaps After Getting Shamed For Changing Baby On Starbucks Table| Thumbnail Text - Product - AITA for calling a woman in the supermarket a creep? Today I took my 3 month old twins to the supermarket by myself while my wife had a day to herself. While shopping my daughter pooped, and I mean she POOPED. There's no changing tables in the men's room and there was no family bathroom. I went to the Starbucks in the store and asked if I could change her on one of the tables in the back

New Dad Snaps After Getting Shamed For Changing Baby On Starbucks Table

Woman Fuming When Her Family Asks Her Where She Got Her Baby From| thumbnail text - Posted by u/aitathrosister 6 hours ago 2 7 e3 S 13 .2 AITA For asking my sister where she got her babies from?

Woman Fuming When Her Family Asks Her Where She Got Her Baby From

Cruel Girlfriend Throws Away BF's Prized Soda Can Collection| Thumbnail Text - Drinkware - AITA for recycling my boyfriend's soda can "collection"? I [25F] have been with my boyfriend "John" [22M] for about two years now. Everything was going great, until he graduated college last semester and moved in with me to my apartment.

Cruel Girlfriend Throws Away BF's Prized Soda Can Collection