
A Cringey Collection of 24 Dating App Blunders for Single Pringle Souls

A Cringey Collection of 24 Dating App Blunders for Single Pringle Souls

a collection of 21 memes making jokes about dating with and just having anxiety | Thumbnail is two memes side by side, the left is a picture of Lisa from The Simpsons with tears in her eyes and her hands held out, the text says 'him: babe it was a JOKE i'm kidding me: you know i'm SENSITIVE', the second meme is a picture of Blossom from the Powerpuff Girls sitting on a couch crying silently, with text that says 'me after noticing the slightest change in how someone talks to me'

21 Witty Memes for Anxious Ladies in the Dating Scene

25 Clever Memes for Witty Women With a Flourishing Esteem (June 7, 2023)

25 Clever Memes for Witty Women With a Flourishing Esteem (June 7, 2023)

20+ memes for saucy couples | Thumbnail includes patrick from spongebob 'when you're tryna be sy taking your panties off and he's not even paying attention'

20+ Heart Racing Memes for Secretly Saucy Couples Who Like to Get Down and Dirty

20 screenshots from a Reddit thread about boyfriend who fails to help girlfriend | Thumbnail includes image of angry girlfriend and boyfriend on phone 'girl you just moved in with a potato'

'Captain couch embarrassed himself': Boyfriend Schooled by Younger Male Neighbor for Stubbornly Shunning His Girlfriend

A Scorching Selection of 27 Single Pringle Memes for Hot Girl Summer (May 4, 2023)

A Scorching Selection of 27 Single Pringle Memes for Hot Girl Summer (May 4, 2023)

Women Who are Sick of Dating Men Who Weaponize Their Incompetence Share Real Life Reasons Why They Changed Their Standards

Women Sick of Dating Men Who Weaponize Their Incompetence Share Real Life Reasons Why They Changed Their Standards

A Sassy Selection of Memes for Gutsy Girlfriends Who Dominate Arguments With Their Boyfriends (21 Memes)

A Sassy Selection of Memes for Gutsy Girlfriends Who Dominate Arguments With Their Boyfriends (21 Memes)

21 Best Women’s Memes We We’re Blessed With This Week (June 1, 2023)

21 Best Women’s Memes We We’re Blessed With This Week (June 1, 2023)

21 'Girl Secrets' We Keep From Guys

'Some girls shave their toes' : 21 Girl Secrets We Keep From Guys

20 screenshots from a reddit thread about a wife stealing valuable item from husband's parents | Thumbnail includes image of family arguing 'your wife stole from your parents'

'I'd be rethinking my marriage' : Wife Steals Valuable Item From Husbands Parents and Denies It

21 witty memes about women navigating through dysfunctional dating lives and experiences | Thumbnail includes a picture of Nick Cannon sitting in an interview with sunglasses and his hands crossed, thumbnail also includes a picture of a blonde girl smiling and a picture of Maddie from Euphoria looking like she just cried '"What are we?" Him: Well you're mine and I'm single "I want you to come" vs. "you can come if you want"'

21 Clever Memes for Witty Women Navigating Dysfunctional Dating Lives

'I Wish She Could See Herself The Way I See Her': Men's Spicy Confessions Leave Women Hot And Heavy

'I Wish She Could See Herself The Way I See Her': Men's Spicy Confessions Leave Women Hot And Heavy

23 Memes for Girls Who Want Green Flags | Thumbnail includes a baby sitting in a car seat smiling and a picture of the blue power puff girl when you text him "I'm really not that hungry" and he goes "Shut up, what do you want to eat" u ra gift from god when you goin off on babe but he sittin there laughin and saying "you're so cute" But I'm not cute..I'm a thug'

Relationships Done Right: 23 Memes for Girls Who Want Green Flags

21 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a story of a man who fetishizes his girlfriend’s weight | Thumbnail includes a picture of a woman jogging in a forest ‘I prefer her round and plump’

'You don't have a say in this' : Chubby Chasing Boyfriend Doesn’t Want His Girlfriend to Lose Weight

‘I Can’t Believe You Just Asked Me That’ : Stupidly Absurd Questions Men Asked on First Dates That Legitimately Made Women Question if They Were Lunatics

‘I Can’t Believe You Just Asked Me That’ : Stupidly Absurd Questions Men Asked on First Dates That Legitimately Made Women Question if They Were Lunatics