

10+ Wholesome Memes for Makeup Girlies Who Always Get Hyped Up By Bae

10+ Wholesome Memes for Makeup Girlies Who Always Get Hyped Up By Bae

Boyfriends who let their girlfriend know how much they love their makeup > boyfriends who wait outside the store while you shop for makeup
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19 Memes for Adorable Couples Who Love to Roast Each Other

What even is love? For real. Like, Hollywood makes it seem like it's all flowers and chocolates or either trauma and heartbreak. But in real life there are a lot of grey areas. Those grey areas feel more like what love is in real life, right? You can't just constantly be romantic and shower bae in compliments 24-7. That sounds hella annoying. But can't just be a jerk and mess with bae all the time like you're some frat boy. What we think makes a beautiful love is finding someone you can truly r…
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