
Salon Tries To Force Man To Pay Fee When He Refuses To Be Touched By Sick Worker| thumbnail text - Posted by u/PuzzleheadedCar1801 18 hours ago AITA for refusing to pay a missed appointment fee? Not the A-hole

Salon Tries To Force Man To Pay Fee When He Refuses To Be Touched By Sick Worker

Women Uncover The Creepiest Things Their Bosses Actually Said To Them| thumbnail text - middayfirework 1 year ago In 2004 or 5 a boss asked me if my partner and I had had sex the night before and what were are most frequently chosen sex positions. It was out of nowhere and in front of three other employees. Other women had problems with him and complained about him to each other. I decided to talk to my line manager about this and all the other female employees denied he had ever said anything t

Women Uncover The Creepiest Things Their Bosses Actually Said To Them

When I Found Out My Date Was Actually Married' | thumbnail text - Sam then explained that he always 'tested' girls to see if they would offer to split the check. If they just assumed he was paying, he wouldn't ask them out again.

Misogynist Man Obsesses Over Money On First Date, Proceeds To Eat Expensive Food

Woman Forced To Go Number Two Outside One Night Stand| thumbnail text - In the morning I woke up to an awful 'storm' brewing in my large intestine. It wasn't going to be pretty and probably not discreet.

Woman Forced To Go Number Two Outside After One Night Stand

People Reveal How They Woke Up In Bed With A Stranger| thumbnail text - cbelt3 11 hours ago 2 Got really drunk at a dorm party. Ended up carrying a passed out girl up to her room (3 flights of stairs, elevator was out). Plunked her in her bed, took her shoes off. Then passed out on her floor. She woke me up by stepping on me and yelling at me. I was too hung over to argue and just left. 2.7k Reply Give Award Share Report Save

People Reveal How They Woke Up In Bed With A Stranger

Mansplaining Tweets That Made Us Want To Cringe In Three Different Languages| thumbnail text - autoerotic asphyxiation @peachyhitman is he. trying to mansplain LAUGHING??????? whats so funny НАНАННАНАНА You sould know that when someone writes "hahahaha" that doesent allways mean that they are laughing

Mansplaining Tweets That Made Us Want To Cringe In Three Different Languages

People Expose How a the ‘Weird Kid’ From Their School Got Their Reputation| thumbnail text - likesevenchickens • 8h Did an extremely impressive seagull impression. Never mind, that was actually the cool kid.

People Expose How The ‘Weird Kid’ From Their School Got Their Reputation

Ten Lamest Excuses Guys Give To Avoid Commitment| Thumbnail text - 99 I I don't believe in labels. 66

Ten Lamest Excuses Guys Give To Avoid Commitment

Delusional man Spends Entire Date Bragging About His Money, Then Can't Cover the Bill - "So sorry I was late, I had to fly out to Pennsylvania because one of my rental properties out there had a flood, and I had to do some damage control. I jumped on my plane right after and got here as quickly as I could."

Delusional Man Spends Entire Date Bragging About His Money, Then Can't Cover the Bill

12 Questions To Ask To Fill The Awkward Silence On A First Date| Thumbnail text - 3. What's your biggest pet peeve? Pet peeves often reveal a lot about a person and it you share the same pet peeve, even better! Studies show people form a deeper bond over things they dislike more than things they like.

12 Questions To Ask To Fill The Awkward Silence On A First Date

8 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Date Someone Who Takes A Ton of Selfies| thumbnail text - 2. They could be a narcissist The same study found that when people spend time editing their selfies, this is linked to narcissism. Think of how much time it takes to edit pictures and choose the right filters for them. Narcissistic people are desperate for love, which could be why they are striving to post the perfect selfies to begin with. But sadly, narcissists are often incapable of giving love in return.

8 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Date Someone Who Takes A Ton of Selfies

The Most Unprofessional Things Doctors Actually Said To Their Patients| thumbnail text - coffeesneeze86 • 14h My husband has an inverted cross tattooed on his back. 20ish years ago, seeing a doc for chronic back pain, he was told the pain he felt was probably his punishment for the tattoo. 6 Reply 4 123

The Most Unprofessional Things Doctors Actually Said To Their Patients

Men Reveal Their Least Favorite Things About Their Private Parts| thumbnail text - Cyanora · 9h 6 Awards It's like having a compass that only ever leads me to trouble. G Reply 1 9.1k 3 ...

Men Reveal Their Least Favorite Things About Their Private Parts

People Reveal Signs That Somebody Is Not As Smart As They Think| thumbnail text - CrabSully · 14h Definitely bring a know it all. The smarter you get, the more you're aware of how much you don't know. I've never heard the most intelligent people I know gloat. G Reply 1 70 3 + ...

People Reveal Signs That Someone Is Not As Smart As They Think

Teen Gets Sent Home By Teacher For Wearing A Turtleneck Deemed 'Distracting'| thumbnail text -  OM AM I DISTRACING, YOU WITH MY MIDRIFT My Eduction MY EDCATON IS MORE IMMODNT THWN LAT I WEAR

Outrage After Male Teacher Sends Teen Home Due To 'Distracting' Turtleneck Dress Combo

Men Expose Their Shortest Relationships And Why| Thumnail text - StabbyPants 3#guymode 5 years ago guess this counts: 8th grade, 2nd period. girl i sort of know asks to be my GF. Lunch time (a few hours later), says it's not working out. heh... 1 Give Award Share Report Save

People Expose Their Shortest Relationships