
wedding gift

'I want $1,600, cash': Husband demands BIL provide 3 y/o expired wedding gift or $1,600 in cash, BIL refuses, family fallout ensues

'I want $1,600, cash': Husband demands BIL provide 3 y/o expired wedding gift or $1,600 in cash, BIL refuses, family fallout ensues

Family matters can quickly turn ugly when money is involved, and this case is a perfect example of such a situation. One man took to r/aita on Reddit, asking if he was in the wrong for requesting his brother-in-law's wedding gift 3 years after the wedding had taken place. The gift in question was a pair of 2 round-trip tickets to anywhere in the States. OP and his wife hadn't actually used the tickets, but had a friend flying out to them, and wanted to regift the tickets. OP was quick to mentio…
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