

'[She] threatened to breakup with me': Teen boyfriend loses his V-card then immediately posts a video online blowing out the candles on a "virginity cake"

'[She] threatened to breakup with me': Teen boyfriend loses his V-card then immediately posts a video online blowing out the candles on a "virginity cake"

Don't kiss and tell
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man tells his fiancé not to wear a white wedding dress because she's not a virgin anymore | thumbnail Text - Posted by u/SweetStickyThrowAway 2 days ago 3 82 AITA for convincing my girlfriend NOT to wear a white dress on our wedding day? Asshole So me (32M) and my soon to be wife (23F) are planing to get married in a few months. I come from a very religious house hold with strong Cristian beliefs and one of the traditions in my family is if the woman getting married isn't still a virgin they sho

Man Tells Fiancé Not To Wear White Wedding Dress, Because No Longer A virgin

Welcome to the past
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things people found surprising the first time they had sex | thumbnail Text - brittakeu 8.0k points · 5 months ago Well, I waited 19 years to get nailed in the back of some dudes car next to his piles of dirty laundry. It felt like nothing, absolutely no pleasure for me. But I did discover that I am VERY allergic to latex. That was a big surprise.

People Reveal Surprising Things After Having Sex For First Time

That first time is always awkward AF
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worst pieces of advice to give to a virgin for their first time - cover pic | nickmuscle if they're a guy: go fast! For a girl: use your teeth

Worst Advice To Give To A Virgin For Their First Time

The dark side of sex-ed
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