
user submitted

Cheezburger users submitted forgotten trends that make us nostalgic - thumbnail picture of silly bands Text - Amanda L. Baker Those little weird rubber bracelets shaped like animals, and supposedly different colors meant that you were going to have sex with someone

Forgotten Trends Bringing the Nostalgic Feels (Cheezburger User Edition)

Throwbacks we love
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cheezburger users responses to most expensive things children ruined by mistake - cover pic story about kid driving dads tractor into lagoon costing him $50,000

Cheezburger Users Reveal 'Most Expensive Things Their Children Ruined By Mistake'

The most costly of mistakes
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cheezcake users Karen encounters facebook wtf retail memes customer service user submitted | Jesseleigh McAleer working retail Karen told she wanted jump over counter and claw my eyes out" because told her joke. Cant even remember joke anymore. But sure as hell remember her. Like Reply 1d

Cheezcake User Responses To Most Personal 'Karen' Encounters

Who's the Karen in your life?
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