tik tok

Tik-tok don't stop and won't stop for anybody. Whether you're all about that Ke$ha mega-hit, or the viral replacement to Vine that has swept younger generations into becoming the newest influencers. So before you Walken to the party, know that you're in the right place whatever the case.

tik tok about school crush and the sims | thumbnail text - sims

Woman Reminisces About The Time She Created A Sim Of Her School Crush Instead Of Talking To Him In Person

tik tok about accepting the bare minimum | thumbnail text - bare minimum

TikToker Admits That Guys Could Make Her Fall For Them Even If They're Just Doing The Bare Minimum

tik tok about what going on a date with the biggest ick would be like | thumbnail text - the biggest ick takes you on a date

TikToker Portrays What Going On A Date With The World's Biggest Ick Would Be Like

tik tok about incompatible horoscopes in dating | thumbnail text -

Man Rejects Woman On Dating App Because Their Star Signs Aren't Compatible

tik tok about hinge date gone wrong | thumbnail text -

Hinge Date's Psychotic Girlfriend Shows Up To Fight His Date, Who Didn't Even Know He Had A Girlfriend

tik tok about dating in your thirties | thumbnail text - we would rather be home

Man Perfectly Captures What Dating In Your Thirties Is Like

tik tok about how to date smart | thumbnail text - my bf almost didn't get a first date

Man Cancelled First Date So Many Times That Woman Put Him In His Place, Now He's Her Boyfriend

tik tok about dating with ibs | thumbnail text - dating with IBS a series

TikToker Tells All About What Dating With IBS Is Like

tik tok about accidentally ditching date without saying goodbye |

Man Completely Forgets He's On A Date And Unintentionally Ditches Without Saying Goodbye

tik tok about getting a woman on a dating app to respond by insulting her cat | thumbnail text -

TikToker Successfully Gets Woman On Dating App To Respond To His Message By Insulting Her Cat

tik tok about anonymous dinner payment | thumbnail text - who's my secret admirer

Woman Thinks A Secret Admirer Paid For Dinner With The Girls, Turns Out It Was Just Her Friend's Boyfriend

tik tok about what losing the spark feels like | thumbnail text - what losing the spark feels like

Man Explains What Losing That Special Spark In A Relationship Feels Like

tik tok about green flags at a guy's apartment | thumbnail text - green flags in this guy's apartment

Woman Points Out And Cherishes All The Green Flags In A Guy's Apartment

tik tok about woman who invites tinder matches to the club | thumbnail text - invited my 50 tinder matches to the same club

Woman Invites 50 Tinder Matches To The Club, All Pass The Vibe Check

tik tok about getting dressed up in front of spouse | thumbnail text -

Woman Perfectly Portrays How Ridiculous It Feels To Be Dressed Up In Front Of Your Significant Other

tik tik about woman getting revenge on her ex | thumbnail text -

Woman Poses As LinkedIn Recruiter, Rejects Her Ex's Application To Get Revenge On Him For Cheating On Her