the single society

About The Single Society: We bringing you the hilarious, horrible, and awkward real-life stories from women currently navigating the world of online dating in New York City.

Annoying Sh*t men need to stop putting in their dating bios | thumbnail text - This is a dating app, not build-a-b*tch workshop

Annoying Sh*t Men Need To Stop Putting In Their Dating Bios

people confess how they got their one night stand to leave | thumbnail text - my one night stand won't leave. Call me with an 'emergency'.

People Confess How They Got Their One-Night Stand To Leave

people reveal the ruthless ways they were dumped on valentines day | thumbnail text - you're dumping me on valentines day?! "I found out my husband was cheating on me on Valentine’s Day because he accidentally gave me a card that was meant for his mistress. Right after he told me he was filing for divorce."

People Reveal How They Were Ruthlessly Dumped On Valentines Day

craziest things guys have written on dates | thumbnail text - I stabbed my ex with a fork, but don't worry I'm no longer on drugs

Deal-Breaker Things Men Have Admitted On A First Date

women reveal the moments they knew they were dating a momma's boy | thumbnail pop art graphic of woman text - I'm dating a momma's boy | The guy I was dating bought me a nice perfume for my birthday. It was the same perfume his mom wears.

Ten Women Reveal How They Knew They Were Dating A Momma's Boy

Seven Times a Date Was a TOTAL Stage 5 Clinger | thumbnail image of man and woman text - let's talk about my ovaries "An hour into the evening she shared with me how she wasn't to waste time and that she wanted to get her eggs/hormones checked out. If I was interested in seeing her again. I'd have to get mg sperm count checked.

Dating Nightmares: Seven Times a Date Was a TOTAL Stage 5 Clinger

annoying profile pics men use in dating apps | shirtless gym mirror selfie fishing private plane

Ten Most Annoying Profile Pics Men Use On Dating Apps

people share why they dumped their partner during quarantine | thumbnail image of couple text - I make more $$$, you wash the dishes

Dating Nightmares: 8 People Reveal Reasons They Dumped Their Partner During Quarantine

woman shares nightmare date about short guy who had a huge attitude problem | thumbnail pop art image of woman slapping man text -  I wouldn't have anger issues if you didn't piss me off

My Nightmare Date With The Shortest Guy Ever, And A HUGE... Attitude Problem

overused cliché lines people need to stop using in their dating profiles | thumbnail pop art image of woman text - the oxford comma gets me so hot

Overused And Cliché Lines People Use In Dating Profiles, Which Need To Stop

10 bad dates that accurately sum up 2020 | thumbnail includes pop art image of woman crying Text - my dating life is so on brand with 2020 | I turned down a guy for a second date because he was a total f*cking weirdo He didn't take it too well and made an ad on Craigslist with one of my pictures saying I was horny and I wanted sex. I had to change my number

Dating Nightmares: 10 Bad Dates Which Accurately Sum Up 2020

bad dating stories about scrooging and ghosting around the holiday season | thumbnail includes pop art image of man in christmas hat Text - Merry Christmas! Let's see other people

Dating Nightmares: 'Scrooging' Is The New 'Ghosting' - Women Reveal Their Stories

bad dating stories about ridiculous things 'finance bros' said on dates | thumbnail includes pop art graphic of man holding money Text - Check out my big, thick, wallet We didn't have much when I was growing up. My dad made like $800k/year, but he had a wife and six kids. Back when I only made $800k. it was fine. but I onlv had mvself to take care of.

Dating Nightmares: Ridiculous Things 'Finance Bros' Said On Dates

bad date story about guy who woke up hungover after one-night stand and peed in closet | After coming to grips with reality and noticing that it was in fact my wardrobe and not a toilet in which he was pissing in, he apologized and made an attempt to salvage my belongings from his mid slumber urination. TIME FOR ME TO MAKE A PEE PEE

Woman's One-Night Stand Pees In Her Closet, Ruins All Her Shoes

people reveal their naughtiest office holiday hookup stories | thumbnail includes pop art image | I'm so good Santa came twice | I like my stocking fully stuffed

Dating Nightmares: Naughtiest Office Holiday Hook Up Stories

stories about worst dates men went on with women in NYC | thumbnail man with speech bubbles Text - I LIKE WOMEN THE SAME WAY I LIKE MY COFFEE... WITHOUT SOMEONE'S D*CK IN IT

Dating Nightmares: Guys Share Their Worst Dates With Women