
the rock

21 Famous People With Completely Unexpected College Majors| Thumbnail Text - Clothing

21 Famous People With Completely Unexpected College Majors

Surprising interests for celebs
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10 Famous Men Open Up About The Impossible Hollywood Body Standards| Thumbnail Text - Hair - Jason Momoa was body-shamed for not having abs anymore. He tells the world, "I'll show you my dad bod soon."

10 Famous Men Open Up About The Impossible Hollywood Body Standards

"Why do leads always have to be muscular and ripped?"
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Celebrities Who Do Bathe Take A Stand - Cardi B, Jason Mamoa and The Rock Are 'Pro-Showering'| Thumbnail Text - Nose - Cardi B @iamcardib It's Wassup with people saying they don't shower ? giving itchy.

Celebrities Who Do Bathe Take A Stand - Cardi B, Jason Momoa and The Rock Are 'Pro-Showering'

Not a great time to be Jake Gyllhenhaal... again
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