
the one ring

41 Precious Lord of the Rings Memes for Middle Earth Ladies on a Journey to Mordor

41 Precious Lord of the Rings Memes for Middle Earth Ladies on a Journey to Mordor

Go destroy the One Ring!
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39 Precious Lord of the Rings Memes for Middle Earth Ladies on a Journey to Mordor

39 Precious Lord of the Rings Memes for Middle Earth Ladies on a Journey to Mordor

You are on a mission to save Middle Earth.
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33 Precious Lord of the Rings Memes for Middle Earth Couples on a Journey to Helms Deep

33 Precious Lord of the Rings Memes for Middle Earth Couples on a Journey to Helms Deep

You are on a long, grueling journey to join The Battle of Helm's Deep… Barely having time to stop, knowing that others depend on you. Will you make it? Or will you be left behind?
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Precious Lord of the Rings Memes for Nerdy Couples on a Journey to Find a Ring in Mordor

Precious Lord of the Rings Memes for Nerdy Couples on a Journey to Find a Ring in Mordor

Let's go!
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