the lion king

The Lion King, Disney's ultimate classic. There will be many Disney movies made and remade, few can compare to the majesty of this movie. The only thing better could be that same movie making us clutch our sides with laughter. Make sure you Mufasa and don't miss hilarious lion king puns, memes, gifs and everything in between.

15 screenshots from a Reddit thread where women replied to the question, 'If they made a movie after your ex, what would it be called?' | Thumbnail includes a picture of red movie theatre chairs and a screenshot of two comments from a Reddit post 'Not MyRealName814 14 hr. ago The Lyin' King Vote ↓ . Reply Share MonkeyGumbootEsquire 13 hr. ago I've seen that movie.'

'The Lyin King': Witty Women Of Reddit Come Up With Movie Titles Inspired By Their Exes