
that time of the month

33 Relationship Memes for Boyfriends Braving Their Girlfriend's Periods

33 Relationship Memes for Boyfriends Braving Their Girlfriend's Periods

PMS and pillow talk.
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funny and relatable period memes for women | thumbnail includes two memes Text - chunky sigh @mikiwimango Did I break out bc I wore makeup or because I used a new makeup remover or because l'm gonna be on my period in a week or bc l've been eating or bc I'm sad or bc l'm stressed ? Which is it period cramps, illustrated

Period Memes That Were Bloody Funny Enough To Take Away Our Cramps

That time of the month
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Period Tweets Which Are Simply 'On Periodt'| thumbnail text - Bec Shaw ... @Brocklesnitch We love to forget that our period comes every month dont we. We love to feel all our little emotions and wonder where it's coming from and say "ohhh of course I have my period" and then do the same exact process about 4 weeks later don't we 3:59 PM · Apr 2, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 92 Retweets 9 Quote Tweets 1,437 Likes

Period Tweets Which Are Simply 'On Periodt'

Just one more joy of being a woman
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