text message

That's not my text message, is it? No, I couldn't have sent that?! You've definitely found yourself asking how something like that could have possibly come from your minuscule digital keyboard, but there it is, for all eternity. Check out some of the most hilarious text messages ever sent, and feel a little better about your own gaffs.

25 Swoon-Worthy Texts and Tweets for Women Who've Found Their Forever Love

25 Swoon-Worthy Texts and Tweets for Women Who've Found Their Forever Love

Woman Sees Red Flags After Boyfriend Cancels Plans Last Minute to 'Comfort' Coworker, He Gets Defensive When Asked for Details

Woman Sees Red Flags After Boyfriend Cancels Plans Last Minute to 'Comfort' Coworker, He Gets Defensive When Asked for Details

30 Relatable Pickup Line Memes For When You're Wondering The Perfect Thing To Say

30 Relatable Pickup Line Memes For When You're Wondering The Perfect Thing To Say

30 Relatable Text Messages That Capture What a Rollercoaster Dating Can Be

30 Relatable Text Messages That Capture What a Rollercoaster Ride Dating Can Be

women on TikTok reveal the rudest messages they've ever received from men | thumbnail Did still want come over tonight? So honestly sorry but don't think this is going work Oh Yeah, there's something about just reminds more creature than girl. lol Did just call fucking creature Read |

TikTok Trend Has Women Revealing Rudest Texts They've Ever Received From Men

Text Messages From Men That Deserve To Be Roasted Like A Marshmallow| thumbnail text - 98% 11:41 AM <Sex club DDD Today 12:05AM Неy sexy 12:27AM Hi 12:30AM Your sexy. 01:28AM What about my sexy? 09:46AM It left. Went home. Ever since u decided to be a lil bitch. I know the difference between your and y'our. This is fucking Grindr not spelling bee central. DB DBDB DDB  Text Message Today 11:05 AM Hi Natalie, this is Adam from the Ikea delivery yesterday. I apologise for the unprofessional nature

Text Messages From Men That Deserve To Be Roasted Like A Marshmallow

People Who Got Brutally Rejected Over Text | thumbnail text - Joe HA HA Rachel all seriousness when you're back for break, we should catch up get some food 00 JD Rachel left the conversation. Today 9:47 PM

People Who Got Brutally Rejected Over Text

Women Reveal The Worst Reactions They Got From Men After Sending Them Nudes | thumbnail text - Emilia Copeland @InsaniNox Replying to @TsweetCaroline and @cal_gif Trying to decide if this is better or worse than the time my nudes were left on read for the whole day because he was “busy" 3:42 PM · Dec 2, 2019 · Twitter for iPhone

Women Reveal The Worst Reactions They Got From Men After Sending Them Nudes

awkward texts that kids sent to their parents by mistake | Mom Edit If my family asks just say are my roommate can't deal with this coming out right now. Ok so would like pretend didn't see And continue pretending not know always known since were 5? Well wasn't supposed happen. Can't wait meet roommate xoxoxoxo Omg mom stop | Daddy Contact Read 12:45 AM Did mean send this Answer phone NOW Are serious Is this is do whole at School

Awkward Texts People Sent To Their Parents By Mistake

royal family reveal what they really think about 'The Crown' | thumbnail includes image of royal family Text - p00 BT Mobile LTE 5:24PM 75% Messages Prince William Details I'm not too pleased with it. I feel that both of my parents are being exploited and being presented in a false, simplistic way to make money. I wouldn't mind, however, if they decided to do a season about my brother and his wife. I'd watch that. iMessage

Sneak Peeks Into Texts Between Celebs: Royal Family Reveal Their Thoughts On 'The Crown'

satirical text conversations from Ryan Gosling's famous friends for his 40th birthday | thumbnail includes picture of Ryan Gosling Text - 00 Sprint LTE 10:53 AM 85% Messages Mom Details Happy birthday, dear. Your first 40 years were pretty darn great. Here's hoping you get a colonoscopy and a testicular screening soon to make sure you'll live 40 more. iMessage

Sneak Peeks Into Texts Between Celebs: Ryan Gosling Turns 40

satirical text conversation between Scarlett Johansonn and her famous friends after her wedding to Colin Jost | thumbnail includes picture of Scarlett Johansonn and Colin Jost with text message from Gwenyth Paltrow Gwyneth Paltrow Details Beautiful wedding, S wish all success and happiness new marriage already know love is hard so just hope never want get divorced at same time. Love iMessage

Sneak Peeks Into Texts Between Celebs: Scarlett Johansson's Post-Wedding Messages

satirical text conversation between Gwen Stefani and her celebrity friends after her engagement | thumbnail includes picture of Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton Text - poo Verizon 4G 8:22 PM O 20% Messages Ellen DeGeneres Details Congratulations on your engagement!! I can't think of anyone else who complements each other the way my wife and I do, and I hope you two are half as happy as we are. Give Blake a kiss on the forehead for me. iMessage

Sneak Peeks Into Texts Between Celebs: Gwen Stefani's Congratulatory Engagement Messages

satirical text conversation between Prince Harry And The Royal Family about him coming back to the UK | thumbnail includes picture of Prince Harry and Queen Elizabeth | Hi, son told staff prepare Frogmore Cottage return. Please text back let know if are thinking coming. And And please stop saying not coming. As said already told staff prepare would be rude not come.

Sneak Peeks Into Texts Between Celebs: Royal Fam Begs Prince Harry To Return To UK

satirical text conversation between Rebel Wilson and her famous friends on her health | thumbnail Text - Chris Pratt Don't stop when you're tired. Stop when you pass out, regain consciousness, and pass out a second time my trainer used say until punched him face. Now he doesn't say much train bet.

Sneak Peeks Into Texts Between Celebs: Rebel Wilson's Health Journey

worst text messages to wake up to - cover pic "You're famous now but not in a good way"

The Worst Text Messages To Wake Up To

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