

dumb things men did to prove their "manhood" - thumbnail ext - SayNoToStim 2.2k points · 9 hours ago Remember that solar eclipse we had a while ago? Like 3 ish years ago? Yeah an idiot that I know thought he was tough enough to stare at it

Most Ridiculous Things Men Did To 'Prove Their Manhood'

Toxic masculinity is real
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Craziest things people did as teens | thumbnail text - Gondram · 6y Ran underneath a moving train. It was going through the city at around 4mph and I was jogging alongside. My friends were jumping on the train (we were gonna trainhop across town) and I decided to dash underneath one of the train cars to freak my friends out. I got to the other side without tripping or anything, but in hindsight that risk vs. reward was monumentally stupid.

The Dumbest Things People Did As Teens

The good old days
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crazy hilarious lolz FAIL lol cheezcake funny weird stupid stupidity - 6514437

22 Of The Weirdest And Dumbest Things People Have Possibly Said

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