
20 Supportive Memes for Worrying Women Who Are Holding It Together Despite Stress Cracking the Surface

20 Supportive Memes for Worrying Women Who Are Holding It Together Despite Stress Cracking the Surface

a collection of 21 memes making jokes about dating with and just having anxiety | Thumbnail is two memes side by side, the left is a picture of Lisa from The Simpsons with tears in her eyes and her hands held out, the text says 'him: babe it was a JOKE i'm kidding me: you know i'm SENSITIVE', the second meme is a picture of Blossom from the Powerpuff Girls sitting on a couch crying silently, with text that says 'me after noticing the slightest change in how someone talks to me'

21 Witty Memes for Anxious Ladies in the Dating Scene

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20+ Funny Memes For Engaged Couples Stressing About Upcoming Wedding Plans

‘But Babe, We’re Gonna Pay For Them’ : Embarrassed Husband Ignores Wife’s Pleas, Abandons Her at Supermarket With Kids for Opening Snacks Before Checkout

‘But Babe, We’re Gonna Pay For Them’ : Embarrassed Husband Ignores Wife’s Pleas, Abandons Her at Supermarket With Kids for Opening Snacks Before Checkout

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Cottage Core Weirdos are Creating Fantasy Rural Lifestyle Videos That Are Actually More Effective Than Anti-Anxiety Medication

Hard-Hitting Memes That Anyone Who Went To College Will Understand| thumbnail text - @Bigmistakesss College taught me how to fail a test and go on about my day lol 2:24 PM · Jan 5, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone, College Student @CollegeStudent COLLEGE STUDENT Buying books for college like college books be like $375.99 new $375.00 used 8:06 PM · Aug 30, 2015 · Twitter for iPhone

Hard-Hitting Memes That Anyone Who Went To College Will Understand

nice girls post | thmbnail text - The only reason I let Alex do anything to me was because I was stressed out by a lot of stuff, I wanted to experience what it is like to do that stuff, I knew that it was a bad thing to do but it was helping me not hate myself and not be so stressed by school...

Woman Gets Roasted After Claiming She Only Cheated Because Of Low Self-Esteem And Stress

Guys problems that not everyone can relate to | thumbnail text -  Leonhardt_309 · 4h Male The "I can't maintain a friendship with a woman" problem. I don't get how it's so difficult for some guys.

Common Guy Problems That Some Guys Claim They Can't Relate To

tweets about the stress of airports that remind us why we don't travel | thumbnail text - Chris Burns Im obsessed that airports are just like okay come around 5 but the plane leaves when we decide-prob 9ish, & bring luggage but we can't promise it'll make it on the plane. We can change your ticket but it cost more than if you cancel it & buy a car instead, but here's a biscotti Alyssa Limperis O @alyssalimp Love how the airport is like do you want to pick someone up? Please do! Just don't even T

Typical Airport Drama That Makes Us Wonder If Flying Is Even Worth It

Dads Who Totally Lost It In The Delivery Room | thumbnail text - KateMcK @TheKateMcK Replying to @NessTea_ my sister was having her first baby and the midwife showed her husband how to squeeze out a cloth and cool her face. When she had her back turned he threw the soaking cloth right over her face! My sis started screaming "get that useless f er out he's waterboarding me!" hunter @uglysketch Replying to @NessTea_ some of my favorite photos are of dads passing out during labor it always kills me

Dads Who Totally Lost It In The Delivery Room

funny memes about social anxiety that won't make you any less anxious | thumbnail text - Thanks brain, very cool Me: Says slightly awkward thing that everyone will forget in 5 minutes. My brain at 3 am for the next 10 years: I have decided that I want to die.  Concentrating so hard on the appropriate eye-contact-to-looking- away ratio that you have no idea what's being said to you

Memes About Having Social Anxiety That Definitely Made Us More Stressed Out

ways to reduce stress | thumbnail text - dumbandconcerned · 27m Watching Pride and Prejudice (2005) for the ten thousandth time Imao. Or just generally, watching a comfort movie/show, reading a comfort book, eating a comfort food.. Basically doing something tried and true that I already know I love.

Awesome Low-Effort Ways To Reduce Stress

Funny relaxation methods post-work | thumbnail text - fallin1ne · 1h I turn on my T.V., click on Netflix, put on the Penguins of Madagascar and get absolutely smashed.

Funny Relaxation Methods To Cool Down After A Bad Day At Work

Funny tweets about mental breakdowns | thumbnail text - @charrbell Having a mental breakdown spots a mirror:

People Celebrate The Majestic Ability To Still Look Hot In The Midst Of A Mental Breakdown

Funny tweets about feelings people have on Sundays | thumbnail text - Estados Unidos America929 Chasing my vitamins with an edible is peak Sunday Scaries behavior 3:51 AM Mar 15, 2021 Twitter Web App

Relatable Tweets About The Sundays 'Feels' We All Experience Weekly

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Psychology Teacher's List Of '101 Ways To Cope With Stress' Is Going Viral