

'Free Britney': To prove he's not a threat to women, beta-male British man shares statements about his personality that are strangely reassuring

'Free Britney': To prove he's not a threat to women, beta-male British man shares statements about his personality that are strangely reassuring

Why are all of these statements automatic green flags for female safety?
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‘This Is My Hallmark Moment’ : Woman Lives Out Hollywood Fantasy When Hot Stranger Helps Her Carry Christmas Tree

‘This Is My Hallmark Moment’ : Woman Lives Out Hollywood Fantasy When Hot Stranger Helps Her Carry Christmas Tree

Please don't be in love with someone else…
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man demands woman choose him after matching on a dating app | thumbnail text - So will say if 's then 's only. If want freedom talk others are same time and have all exploratory chats won't be And l'll make decision tomorrow, but need go now.

Possessive Creep Demands Woman Speak To Him And Him Only After Matching On A Dating App

Thank goodness she didn't actually go out with him
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Guy Calls Wife Crazy Because She Doesn't Want To Host His 'Friend' From The Internet| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/Orangebabygal · 13h AITA Husband wants "friend" to stay at our place.

Guy Calls Wife Crazy Because She Doesn't Want To Host His 'Friend' From The Internet

Run girl, run
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wholesome stories strangers help Reddit heartwarming random acts of kindness helping | do not know but saw needed some tires truck and wanted do something nice stranger because one day stranger did same receipt is envelope and all have do is go by Warehouse Tire on 3rd Street and ask Steven Hodges and they will be put them on free. All ask is one day do something nice complete stranger. So 00 o 9 Warehouse 301 Hackney Av Telephc Date No. Reg. No. Cle 10 11 7-Day warranty 12 on all used tires 13

Wholesome Moments Where Complete Strangers Had Each Other's Backs

A little kindness goes a long way
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people recall memorable strangers askreddit encounter | GerCop 24 points 2 hours ago Once little girl (around 6-7) years old came into our precinct and confessed she had cheated on her math test and ready go jail colleague mine explained her situation and she won't go jail colleague made her hot chocolate and called her parents so they could pick up their daughter. Bless innocent dumb children.

People Recall Memorable Strangers They've Encountered

That one person who sticks in your mind
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man tweets woman strangers saved hero story | Black Professor @WonderKing82 walking train few minutes ago and woman walked right up and gave tight hug and whispered quickly please act like know 3 guys are following while played along then walked her 3 blocks home an experience both us.

Man Tweets How He Saved Woman From Strangers

The unsung heroes among us
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kind stranger askreddit nothing in return free | w1256414 738 points 14 hours ago 18 and living away home first time UK, moved Canada couldn't afford much so walked two miles through snow buy bedding discount shop and having miserable day woman front cashier queue put $50 on store voucher card, handed and walked away before had chance react middle tough day really made difference. Definitely most memorable random act kindness ever experienced.

Kindest Things Strangers Have Done For Nothing In Return

A small act of kindness goes a long way
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