social media

22 memes about stalking your ex | Thumbnail includes a picture of Joe from 'You' with long nails and hoop earings and a picture of two girls having a conversation 'friend: i can't find his insta me: Wait me: idgaf also me: *me telling my bestfriend what happened for the 100th time*'

21 Best Relatable Memes For People Who Hurt Their Own Feelings By Stalking Their Exes

Obnoxious Man Refuses To Let 7-Month Pregnant Woman Sit Beside Him On The Bus So He Can 'Rest His Hand'| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Tiredthriwaway55654 12 hours agO 16 e 3 7 AITA for sitting on a man's hand after he refused to remove it from the empty seat?

Obnoxious Man Refuses To Let 7-Month Pregnant Woman Sit Beside Him On The Bus So He Can 'Rest His Hand'

dating reddit thread | thumbnail text - Posted by u/westie_luver 12 hours ago guy been seeing 9 months out clubbing dancing with another girl help!

Woman Wants To Ghost Man With No Explanation After Talking For 9 Months Because She Feels Disrespected

Delusional Man Exploits His 71-Year-Old Grandfather To Potentially Go Viral On His YouTube Channel| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Dull-Ad1419 5 hours ago AITA for deleting my husbands YouTube channel?

Delusional Man Exploits His 71-Year-Old Grandfather To Potentially Go Viral On His YouTube Channel

how people still managed to contact others after being blocked | thumbnail text -  rachael @teralovesbeer Replying to @thatscoolbbblue and @sahana srini I actually had an old coworker who had a crush on me find me on PANDORA?!??? and message me through there? I didn't even know you could do that???? 6:21 AM - Mar 23, 2022 · Twitter Web App

Unconventional Ways People Managed To Contact Others After Being Blocked

A Day In The Life Working At CheezCake| thumbnail text - woman, day in the life working at cheezcake

A Day In The Life Working At CheezCake

tweets about procrastination | thumbnail text -  chai O @proyearner my study schedule procrastinate doing thing months then do haze hyperfixation 9 uninterrupted hours while ignore my body's basic needs like god beehive my brain intended 8:42 PM Mar 6, 2022 Twitter iPhone

Funny Procrastination Tweets For Those Who Need Another Excuse To Procrastinate

askwomen post | thumbnail text - celestialism 19 hr. ago don't have desire ever have an open-door bathroom policy relationship.

Women Reveal Relationship Things They Could Never See Themselves Doing

Funniest Tweets From The Past Chaotic Month| thumbnail text - maddy rose fellows @mabbylmao ... how do people live in LA? aren't you worried about running into james corden 11:39 PM · Feb 7, 2022 · Twitter Web App

Funniest Tweets From The Past Chaotic Month

guy ruins his wife's expensive gender reveal on Facebook and she's fuming | thumbnail Text - Posted by u/Beneficial-Poetry-74 2 days ago 25 10 S 12 11 AITA for ruining my childs gender reveal? Not the A-hole Myself (27M) and my wife (27F) are having a boy, we already have a girl who is now 2. My wife is really into films, oscar type films and she is like an analyser when watching them so she wanted to make a gender reveal short film, 10 minutes long to say we're having a

Guy Ruins Wife's Expensive Gender Reveal On Social Media, She Deems It Unforgivable

twitter thread facebook poke | thumbnail text - Crispilocks IWYCSMN Replying tinaqueen_15 Someone once poked they meant block. So thought cute at first like oh poke Emily. And then woke up and Emily didn't exist anymore. 11:09 AM Feb 5, 2022 Twitter Android

People Reminsce Over The Wild Era Of The Facebook Poke (Twitter Thread)

Men Reveal Their Honest Opinions On Girls Asking Guys Out| thumbnail text - DapperApples Single 1 year ago wish girls would do instead assuming psychic and just know they like .

Men Reveal Their Honest Opinions On Girls Asking Guys Out

Best tweets about instagram influencer culture | thumbnail text - Cara @vodkaspicelatte my favorite literary treasure is the instagram influencer apology 7:34 PM · Mar 24, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Best Tweets Poking Fun At Instagram Influencer Culture

twitter thread | thumbnail text - BOMBITOGARCIA BombitoG Replying ChadLanier and @CastlesWay Real s t especially people who always posting they baby after 's born like tryna see post baby everyday and l'm pretty sure if baby had enough intelligence they would tell happy but l'm not not either 2:50 PM Jan 12, 2022 Twitter iPhone

People Reveal Petty Reasons They Unfollowed Others On Social Media (Twitter Thread)

douchebag profile pictures | thumbnail text - Kill3rTOfu · 3h The mirror selfie with the ripped arm flexing

Profile Pictures That Simply Scream 'Douchebag'

twitter thread modern teens | thmbnail text -  Beth @tiedwithaswift Twitter teens be like "how are you 25 and on twitter still" like sweetie do you think this isn't your future too?? 11:45 AM · Dec 10, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

People Poke Fun At Teens Who Bash People They Deem To Be Too Old For Social Media