
sharing is caring

'Don't eat my family's food again': Babysitter baffled when frugal parents tell her she's not allowed to eat on the job

'Don't eat my family's food again': Babysitter baffled when frugal parents tell her she's not allowed to eat on the job

I hope she quits
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'This doesn't sound like a marriage': Husband Refuses to Share Food with Starving Wife Because He Paid for It with His Own Money

'This doesn't sound like a marriage': Husband Refuses to Share Food with Starving Wife Because He Paid for It with His Own Money

Imagine telling your wife to pay you back for a bite of a burrito
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Women reveal what they would never let anyone borrow | thumbnail text -  Font - SleepFlower80 1 day ago My vitamin c serum. That shit is like the Rolls Royce of vitamin c serums. I don't care how nicely he asks, I'm not sharing with my partner. "But babe I want glowy skin like youuuu". Buy your own then!

Women Reveal Personal Items They Refuse to Let Anyone Borrow

Buy your own!
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