

16 screenshots from a Reddit post about a boyfriend belittling his girlfriend's PHD because she has a passion for fan fiction writing | Thumbnail includes a comic style picture of a woman gasping and a screenshot of text 'AITA?! When I introduced her to my family, I mentioned that she has a phd. My brother and sister got impressed and asked about it. Abby tried to tell them but I interjected and told them to not be so impressed because she wastes her time writing silly'

Entitled Boyfriend Warns Family Not to Be Impressed With Girlfriend’s PH.d. Because She Has a Passion for "Silly Fan Fiction Writing"

"iT wAs A jOkE"
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woman shaming bikini company

Company Blasts Interviewee For Having A Bikini Pic On Instagram

At least this company got their karma after publicly shaming this poor girl! Emily Clow was applying for a marketing position with company, "Kicka$$ Masterminds," but after the company came across a picture of her in a bikini.. in a pool.. on Instagram, they decided to publicly shame her in their company Instagram stories. Who is "Kicka$$ Masterminds"? According to their site, it is a consulting firm that specializes in "expert-led, professionally organized, rigorously curated mastermind groups…
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Woman Shamed By Ex Mother-In-Law For Opening Front Door While Breastfeeding Her Baby | thumbnail text - Posted by u/aitabreadtboob 1 day ago 25e12 3 19. 23 2 AITA For not putting my door? boob away when I answered the Not the A-hole I'm a single mom with an eighteen month old and a three week old, both on breast milk. Oldest is feeding up to five or six times a day, and baby is feeding every two to three hours, sometimes more often. Basically, my boobs are no longer my property, and wearing anyt

Woman Shamed By Ex Mother-In-Law For Opening Front Door While Breastfeeding Her Baby

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Ellen shames a woman caught stealing on live TV.

Ellen Audience Member Gets Caught Stealing And Shamed On Live TV!

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