
self love

Thumbnail on right reads - When Valentine's Day is less than 2 weeks away and you don't have a date for the 28th year in a row. People on dates shouldn't be allowed out in public. | Thumbnail on left reads - Smile - This Valentines Day, get her something expensive made with mematic

20+ Witty Pre Valentine’s Day Memes That’ll Get You in the Mood for Love (or Not)

It's almost single's day so come get your laughs on!
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12 uplifting memes about being single | Thumbnail includes a picture of a skeleton laying on the ground while being dressed like a party girl and a picture of a woman meditating in her bedroom 'Archaeologists discovering me in 3045 me manifesting wants no sugar # a sugar daddy that'

Self-Love Memes For The Single Souls Living Life To The Fullest

Singleness equals ultimate freedom 🤷🏻‍♀️
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23 wholesome self-love memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Rhianna sitting on a chair in a pink puffy dress and neon green sneakers. Thumbnail also includes a picture of a woman kissing herself in the mirror 'when my masculine and feminine energies come together to form the baddest bitch that ever walked: When you finally find the person who is going to give you everything that you want in life... Me Me'

23 Self-Love Memes For People Who May Not Have Everything Together Right Now, But Are Pulling Through Anyway

With a little motivation - anything is possible (memes are the motivation in question)
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13 screenshots from a Reddit thread where women shared their favorite moments from their engagement | Thumbnail includes a picture of the coast of Italy with a screenshot of a comment from Reddit ' he knows me VERY well and that was a giant green flag for me.'

Married Women Tell Heartwarming Engagement Stories As A Lesson To Never Settle For Less

Self-worth is on the rise
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21 wholesome self-love and self-care memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Bella Hadid putting on lip gloss and a photoshopped picture of a woman riding an eagle 'me applying lipgloss in the middle of a crying session "Fix your attitude or leave" ME'

21 Self-Love Memes For The Strong & Independent

Who rule the world? Girls
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29 funny and relatable girl memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of three women sitting in a bar and cheering, as well as a picture of a skeleton running with pink wings 'Sometimes the best therapy is drinking and talking shit with your besties. When you're dead inside but your best friend needs emotional support:'

29 Relatable Girl Memes For The Female Soul

God is a woman
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‘I’ll Buy Myself Flowers’ : 15 Funniest Memes for the Single Pringles Who Don’t Miss Their Toxic Ex (Inspired by Miley Cyrus)

‘I’ll Buy Myself Flowers’ : 15 Funniest Memes for the Single Pringles Who Don’t Miss Their Toxic Ex (Inspired by Miley Cyrus)

New year, new me, new beau.
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16 wholesome and relatable self-care memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a cartoon doll standing with her hands to the sides and cucumbers on her eyes. Thumbnail also includes a picture of a black dog laying on a bed with a towel on its head 'me doing self care and ignoring all my real responsibilities: me returning to the comfort of my own space after being around people for too long'

Self-Love Sunday: 16 Self-Care Memes For The Ladies That Don't Wait On Men To Buy Them Flowers

Inspired by Miley Cyrus' newest self-love anthem
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18 wholesome self-care memes about loving yourself and being kind to yourself | Thumbnail includes a picture of Oprah taking a bubble bath and a picture of a Simpson cartoon woman checking herself out in the mirror 'when ur over ur self loathing period and u realize that ur actually a genuinely nice person & ur cute & u wonder why did u ever hate urself me in the mirror feeling divine as fick after I completed my daily affirmations'

Self-Love Sunday: Weekly Wholesome Self-Care Memes To Serve As A Reminder To Love Yourself First (January 8, 2023)

Show yourself some love today!
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20 wholesome memes and affirmations about self-love and self-care | Thumbnail includes a picture of Chihiro from the Anime movie Spirited Away and a collage of Winnie the pooh putting on his red shirt in front of a mirror 'me to me: I forgive myself for all the times I was hard on myself when softness was all I needed out: letting shame tell me who I am in: telling shame it's now safe to be me'

Self-Love Sunday: 20 Wholesome Self-Care Memes To Prove That Finding Love Starts From Within

Love yourself first
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body positivity memes | thumbnail text - blackshuckofficial may not have best body but sure does hold all my organs place yoitsmvddi this is type positivity need.

Awesome Body Positivity Memes Of The Week To Spread A Whole Lot Of Self-Love (December 4, 2022)

The perfect body doesn't exist
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body positivity memes | thumbnail text -This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Body Positivity Memes That Will Surely Kick Off The Week With Self-Love (November 13, 2022)

Love yourself
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body positivity memes | thumbnail text - Friendly reminder: Winnie the Pooh wore crop tops with no pants, ate his favorite food, and loved himself. You can too babe

Whimsical Body Positivity Memes To Kick Off The Week With So Much Self-Love

Love yourself
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Funniest Memes for People Who Have a Cute Little Love-Hate Relationship With Themselves

Funniest Memes for People Who Have a Cute Little Love-Hate Relationship With Themselves

A sweet little inconsistent relationship
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self-care twitter thread | thmbnail text -  Genevieve Kersten @joieduhvieve Replying writesloud Plants sucker celebratory succulent. 5:19 AM Jan 26, 2022 Twitter iPhone

Women Reveal Their Personal Rewards That Don't Involve Being Under The Influence (Twitter Thread)

Mani pedis are the answer
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time new years resolutions new years ruthf new year time lapse self love - 16076805

How to Cope With the Year Ending Even Though You're Still Like Two Years Behind on Your Resolutions

All the suggestions SHOULD be "go to therapy" but none of them are
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