
16 funny tweets about the dating app Hinge | Thumbnail includes a black to purple gradient background with a screenshot of a tweet on top 'IT'S KENNIE AKA "THEE BROW" @KennieJD Random man on hinge: kink positive Chibi: naw that mean he poop on people'

Top Honest Hinge Tweets of the Week Brought To You By Sassy Singles Stuck Swiping on Dating Apps

21 relatable memes for spicy and sassy singles | Thumbnail includes a picture of Doja Cat making a disgusted face and a picture of Mr. Krabs' daughter from Spongebob 'Me: I'm not judgemental Also me: When you say "sorry I'm crazy" and he says "that's ok" instead of "no you're not"'

21 Relatable Memes for Sassy Singles Who Have More Spice Than Sriracha

20 Kinky and Funny Memes That Say One Thing but Mean Another | Thumbnail includes churro 'tag someone who reminds you'

20 Kinky and Funny Memes That Say One Thing but Mean Another

20 funny and sassy marriage memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a dog driving and giving side eye to the camera and a picture of a woman looking appalled at what she's seeing 'The look you give your wife when she says "take this exit!" and you're in the left lane. ME WHEN MY HUSBAND IS WATCHING VIDEOS ON HIS PHONE AT MAX VOLUME.'

20 Marriage Memes for Sarcastic Couples Who Keep It Sassy and Classy

20 witty memes about sassy girlfriends and goofy boyfriends | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man with a chair on his shoulders instead of a head and a picture of a grumpy blue bear 'when she says she needs somewhere to sit. "I've got you a gift, it has your energy" The gift:'

20 Excruciatingly Relatable Memes For Sassy Girls Dating a Lovable Goofball of a Boyfriend

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20+ Wildest Dating App Openers That Will Rekindle Your Love for Witty Pick Up Lines (March 31, 2023)

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Witty Relationship Memes For Jaded Baddies Who are Chronically Single

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Sassiest Toxic Memes for Unstable Girlfriends Recovering From a Weekend of Stalking Their Man

Single memes single life singles dating relationships date relatable romantic lol funny love sassy saucy snarky picky flirty

Flirty Relationship Memes for Picky Singles Who Are Fresh Out of Pick Up Lines

Organism - *over analyzes situation *immediately overreacts *everything turns out fine Me: @beezeebee_ Oh dear, I do wish I hadn't cried so much. | Cartoon - Showing results for That one tiger from zootopia who would treat me right

Spicy, Sassy, and Relatable Disney Memes for the Modern Woman Trying to Navigate 21st Century Relationships

21 sassy memes about being single | Thumbnail includes a picture of a blond child sitting in a car seat and giving the camera a weird look and a picture of a cartoon character meditating in his room '"Hey, I'm in your city!" Me: all "Ok... have fun" Me trying to stop myself from sending a paragraph'

20+ Sassy Single Ladies Memes But With a Sweet & Spicy Twist

20+ Spicy Single Memes for the Gals Who Overthink Their Way Out of Relationships (March 20, 2023)

20+ Spicy Single Memes for the Gals Who Overthink Their Way Out of Relationships (March 20, 2023)

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Sassiest Memes for Cranky Ladies Who Have More Attitude Than Any Man Can Handle (March 18, 2023)

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Sassiest Memes for Cranky Ladies Who Have More Attitude Than Any Man Can Handle (March 11, 2023)

15 relationship memes with hints of passive aggression | Thumbnail includes a picture of Robert Downey Jr. and a meme about Squidgames 'WHEN YOUR GIRLFRIEND LEAVES A NOTE ON YOUR PC SAYING THIS ISN'T WORKING ANY MORE. BUT THEN YOU TURN IT ON AND ITS STILL WORKING. I can't believe he didn't cry during Titanic! Do men even have feelings?'

15 Sassy Relationship Memes With A Hint Of Passive Aggression

Sassy Thoughts Of Every Girl Who's Dating | Thumbnail includes 'Dirty but loyal that's my type'

Saucy & Sassy Memes That Explain The Thoughts Of Every Girl Who's Dating A Guy She Likes