

40 Romantically Challenged Tweets for Witty Women Who Are Over This Dating Game

40 Romantically Challenged Tweets for Witty Women Who Are Over This Dating Game

Situationship be gone
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20+ Beachy Memes That Perfectly Describe What It's Like to Date a Surfer Dude

Johnny Utah?
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Pompous FIL Turns Salty After DIL Over-Salts His Meal With A Vengeance| Thumbnail Text - Water resources - AITA for purposely ruining my FIL's favorite meal? Fil (66) and I (32f) usually get along well. There is just one thing that we can't see eye to eye on. I'm a chef and usually cook for my in laws when we have them over. MIL is always very appreciative but FIL has this annoying habit where he ALWAYS adds heaps of salt without tasting the food first. I was cooking my husband came up with a wh

Pompous FIL Turns Salty After DIL Over-Salts His Meal With A Vengeance

FIL claims he can see flavor
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