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22 Stay-at-Home-Mom Memes That’ll Make You Laugh Between Loads of Laundry

‘Honestly, I don’t want to be one’: Working woman rejects husband's desire for her to be his ‘trad wife’, scares him with mentions of divorce to open his eyes

‘Honestly, I don’t want to be one’: Working woman rejects husband's desire for her to be his ‘trad wife’, scares him with mentions of divorce to open his eyes

Woman Bites Back At Her Fiancé When He Tells Her To ‘Handle Her Time Better’ and Do 90% of the Household Chores Because She WFH, Despite Fiancé's Helplessness When It Comes to Chores

Entitled Fiancé Expects Woman To Do ‘90%’ of the Housework Because She Works Remotely, Lets Dishes and Laundry Pile up While She's Sick: ‘You're home all day’

Moms unite and share things they do in motherhood that bug their MILs, validating each other's stories one nonsensical anecdote at a time

‘Almost everything?’: Moms unite and weigh in on things they do in motherhood that their MILs ‘hate for no reason’, revealing motherhood is truly a universal experience

Husband Makes Joke At the Expense of His Wife's Additional Income, Claims Her Part-Time Job Is Useless to Friends and She Confronts Him

SAHM Confronts Husband After He Makes a Joke About Her Part-Time Job to His Friends, Claiming Her Extra Income Is Useless: ‘[It] felt like a slap in the face’

Woman Demands Husband To Pull His Parenting Weight, She Works Full Time and Does Everything for Her Three Children

Working Mom Is Fed up With Helpless Husband’s Laziness, Feels Like a Single Mother to Her Three Children and a Maid to Her Husband: ‘I do everything’

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Woman Bravely Breaks Off Her Engagement After Her Fiancé Flips His Values, Demanding She Becomes a Trad Wife and SAHM Against Her Will

Woman second-guesses marriage after husband refuses to acknowledge all that she does for him and their family, sparking a major relationship feud

Woman Refuses Fiancé’s Notion That She Does Nothing Around the House As She Cooks, Cleans, and Takes Care of His Children While Working a Full-Time Job

woman is fed up with husband's manipulation and incompetency, thinks she is going to leave him in final relationship feud

Woman Deals With Grappling Doubts About Husband's Incompetency and Exploitation, He Temporarily Improves Behavior To No Avail: ‘This time is different’

Helpless husband seems to think that watching his kids is doing his SAHW a favor, rather than treating it like a duty and obligation

Entitled Husband Insinuates That Any Time He Watches His Children He Is Doing His Wife a Favor, SAHM Beyond Fed Up: ‘He's their dad and it's a part of his job’

Husband consistently condescends SAHM after an agreed upon arrangement, mother in law takes his side

SAHM is Fed Up with Husband's Condescending Comments about the Difficulty of Housework, Her MIL Feeds the Fire: ‘He wasn't like this when I had a full-time job’

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Stay-at-home-mom gets pregnant at the same time as 2 sisters, family expects her to babysit all the kids: 'I thought it would be spaced out a little more and not all at the same time'

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Entitled Husband Asks Wife Not to Hang Out with New Friends Because He Fears Losing Her, Internet Sets Him Straight: 'I feel like she would leave me if she had any other options'

39 Relatable Memes for Stay-at-Home Supermoms (SAHM)

39 Relatable Memes for Stay-at-Home Supermoms (SAHM)