
Relationship Memes

Relationship memes are a basic tenant of meme sharing in general. There are relationship memes that single people can enjoy. There are relationship memes that are cutesy if you're into that sort of thing. There are funny relationship memes. There are relationship memes of many kinds as is the case with all things meme. 

22 Adorable Couples Memes for Co-dependent Lovers Who Go Everywhere Together

22 Adorable Couples Memes for Co-dependent Lovers Who Go Everywhere Together

Woman "forgets" wallet at home every time she goes out with friend, petty friend retaliates by playing her own game, leaving her publicly humiliated when the check comes

Woman "forgets" wallet at home every time she goes out with friend, petty friend retaliates by playing her own game, leaving her publicly humiliated when the check comes

Woman finds out that boyfriend’s ‘online friends’ are not real, he gaslights her when confronted over pretending to be 3 different people in group chat: ‘I’m so creeped out!’

Woman finds out that boyfriend’s ‘online friends’ are not real, he gaslights her when confronted over pretending to be 3 different people in group chat: ‘I’m so creeped out!’

insurance manchild satisfying wife ex petty revenge relationships husband entitled people karma breakup dating Relationships - 38556677

'This is going to raise his rate considerably': Manchild demands his ex-wife fix his insurance mess after 17 years of her doing everything for him, she maliciously compiles

Man confesses feelings to sister-in-law just months before his wedding, she flees the scene and leaves him hanging: 'I always thought of you as my brother'

Man confesses feelings to sister-in-law just months before his wedding, she flees the scene and leaves him hanging: 'I always thought of you as my brother'

Woman steals sister's spotlight at her graduation party by planning proposal, sister retaliates by 'badmouthing' her the rest of the night

Woman steals sister's spotlight at her graduation party by planning proposal, sister retaliates by 'badmouthing' her the rest of the night

Grandparents start college fund for bio grandson, adopted brother bans them from graduation: 'If I'm not your real grandson, you're not my real grandparents'

Grandparents start college fund for bio grandson, adopted brother bans them from graduation: 'If I'm not your real grandson, you're not my real grandparents'

“You’re an entitled princess:" Golden child sister gets yelled at by older brother after she jealously complains about his relationship with their grandparents, despite favoritism from parents

“You’re an entitled princess:" Golden child sister gets yelled at by older brother after she jealously complains about his relationship with their grandparents, despite favoritism from parents

21 Intuitive Introvert Memes for Queens of Canceling Plans

21 Intuitive Introvert Memes for Queens of Canceling Plans

Uninvolved father demands a third child, wife accuses him of being a terrible dad and puts her foot down: “I don’t want to be a single mother of 3”

Uninvolved father demands a third child, wife accuses him of being a terrible dad and puts her foot down: “I don’t want to be a single mother of 3”

Boyfriend sneakily donates woman's late grandfather's baseball card collection to charity while she's away on a work trip, sparking a relationship rift: ‘It feels like such a betrayal’

Boyfriend sneakily donates woman's late grandfather's baseball card collection to charity while she's away on a work trip, sparking a relationship rift: ‘It feels like such a betrayal’

‘He didn’t care at all…’: Girlfriend communicates how important Christmas is to her since her parents passing, boyfriend says he understands, but then only gifts her unthoughtful $1-store gifts

‘He didn’t care at all…’: Girlfriend communicates how important Christmas is to her since her parents passing, boyfriend says he understands, but then only gifts her unthoughtful $1-store gifts

hilarious revenge ex relationships petty cheating justice served breakup move out funny karma Relationships - 38556933

'[There's] no fury like a woman's support circle': Best friends help woman move out and leave cheating ex with nothing but an empty apartment and hilarious revenge

Woman stands ground against in-laws' demands to move closer to them but demeans husband with lower-paying job in the process: 'I make the money, I make the decisions'

Woman stands ground against in-laws' demands to move closer to them but demeans husband with lower-paying job in the process: 'I make the money, I make the decisions'

Woman caves into mother-in-law's demands to take a paternity test, husband abandons her with newborn until results come back

Woman caves into mother-in-law's demands to take a paternity test, husband abandons her with newborn until results come back

Man refuses to give girlfriend his Social Security number for a 'background check,' narrowly avoids manipulative scam by breaking up

Man refuses to give girlfriend his Social Security number for a 'background check,' narrowly avoids manipulative scam by breaking up