
relationship feud

Sisters-In-Law Unite Against a Demanding Mother-In-Law and Kick Her Out of House, Creating a Rift That Endangers Their Position in the Family

Sisters-In-Law Unite Against a Demanding Mother-In-Law and Kick Her Out of House, Creating a Rift That Endangers Their Position in the Family

Your family should always come first. That being said, how would you respond if your mother-in-law decided to go on a personal crusade to ruin your sister-in-law's life? If you didn't want to irritate her further, would you say something or remain silent? The story below is an account of a frustrated daughter-in-law. The original poster (OP) and her spouse had been together for a long time. Even though OP never had a strong relationship with her mother-in-law, nothing compared to the hostility…
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Woman Defends Herself Against Husband's Sneaky Behavior, Coworker Reveals He Has A ‘Work Girlfriend’ and He Suggests They Name Their Baby After Her

Woman Stands Up To Husband After His Female Coworker Is Introduced As His ‘Work Girlfriend’, Husband Then Suggests Naming Their Baby After Her: ‘I called him out’

You would think he'd know better.
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Entitled Husband Sparks Family Feud By Accusing Wife of Stealing His Watch, But She Sold It To Pay for Their Child's Procedure Since He Wouldn't Help With Costs

Woman Sells Entitled Husband's Expensive Watch To Pay for Their Child's Procedure, Husband Accuses Her of Petty Theft Despite Refusing to Help Pay Hospital Costs

"We discussed coming up with money to pay for the procedure and he refused to give up the watch and told me to ‘find some other way to get the money’ when he knows I can't."
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Woman Trusts Friend to Store Wedding Gown During Home Construction, Only for Friend to Refuse to Return It

Woman Trusts Friend to Store Wedding Gown During Home Construction, Only for Friend to Refuse to Return It

Trust is essential in friendships since some of your best friends are the ones you confide in your darkest secrets. Given this, how would you react if you found out that a close buddy had been lying to you for the past two years? The story below is an account of a confused friend. The original poster (OP) has been friends with her best friend for a considerable amount of time. Thus, following her wedding, OP asked kindly that her friend store her wedding gown while they complete their home remo…
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Commitment-Phobic Boyfriend Refuses to Put a Ring On Woman's Finger, She's Worried She'll Waste Her Golden Years Waiting to Tie the Knot

Woman Rethinks Her Options When Long-Term Boyfriend Refuses To Commit to Marriage, Wonders if the Relationship Is Worth Saving: ‘I’m so scared I’m wasting my fertile years’

"Do I just give up on the idea of marriage and kids altogether and just be happy I found a good guy?"
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‘Are we happy or sad about this?‘: Woman Ends Decade Long Friendship After Unsatisfactory Reaction to Pregnancy Announcement

‘Are we happy or sad about this?‘: Woman Ends Decade Long Friendship After Unsatisfactory Reaction to Pregnancy Announcement

The birth of a new baby is accompanied by a wide range of emotions. One could experience joy, terror, or excitement. The story that follows comes from a frustrated friend. Sadie and the original poster (OP) have been close friends for more than ten years. Sadie opened up to OP about everything, including how much she despised kids and was not looking to settle down and spend the rest of her life with the same man. OP was therefore taken aback and perplexed when Sadie texted her to let her know…
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Woman's Manipulative Fiancé Uses Finances To Control Gender Roles In the Relationship, She Decides to Push Back and Stand Up for Herself

Woman Decides To Advocate For Herself After Her Toxic Fiancé Repeatedly States That They Aren't Equals: ‘I won’t tolerate the disrespect’

"He even used the words ‘less than.’"
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Woman Demands Husband To Pull His Parenting Weight, She Works Full Time and Does Everything for Her Three Children

Working Mom Is Fed up With Helpless Husband’s Laziness, Feels Like a Single Mother to Her Three Children and a Maid to Her Husband: ‘I do everything’

"He keeps asking me to do more..."
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Sneaky Husband Won't Stop Giving Gifts To His Female Coworker, Sparking Wife's Suspicions About Suspicious Text Messages Years Prior

Woman Demands Husband To Stop Gifting Female Coworker Cute Items, Text Messages Reveal That The Husband Might Have Cheated Years Ago: ‘He is sulking’

"He also had the gifts delivered to his parents house, and asked them to hide them and not mention it because ‘I would get angry’ [and] they agreed."
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Man Secretly Cancels Brother’s Wedding Venue Months Before the Big Day After Being Kicked Out of Wedding Party

Man Secretly Cancels Brother’s Wedding Venue Months Before the Big Day After Being Kicked Out of Wedding Party

Your family should always come first. That being said, is it appropriate for you to violate your end of a contract if one of the parties breaks it, regardless of who the other party is? The brother who is frustrated is described in the story below. Using financial leverage, the original poster (OP) was able to join his younger brother's wedding party. The brother of OP is planning his wedding, but he's having trouble locating a venue that fits within his budget. As a result, OP graciously volun…
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 Woman Scolded on Friends’ Bali Vacation for Having Fun, Acting Immaturely, and Neglecting Friends’ Children

Woman Scolded on Friends’ Bali Vacation for Having Fun, Acting Immaturely, and Neglecting Friends’ Children

Vacations are supposed to be fun and carefree. Every year, we eagerly anticipate our vacations since it is the time when we can finally let go of our daily responsibilities and focus solely on enjoying all that this world has to offer. The story below is an account of a frustrated friend. The original poster (OP) and her spouse had booked a trip to Bali for themselves and a few friends. Despite being the sole childless couple, they agreed to divide the expenses equally to make sure everything w…
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Woman Stands Up to Fiancé's Incompetence Regarding Wedding Planning, Is Considering Calling Off Engagement Until He Gets His Priorities Straight

Woman Considers Calling Off Engagement After Three Years of Wedding Planning Limbo Due to Her Fiancé's Attitude: ‘Nothing ever seemed to satisfy him’

"Talking about the wedding with him was like pulling teeth!"
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Woman Considers Leaving Husband After Finding Out He Has $50K Worth of Debt, Is Dumbfounded After He Withheld The Truth For Years

Woman Demands Husband To Come Clean About His Finances, Discovers He Is in $50K of Credit Card Debt After Buying a New Car and an Engagement Ring

"Should I just settle and help him pay his debts off/accept that this is what's happening and stay with him? Or try to detach and take steps back and live separately until he can get a grip on his financial situation?"
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Woman Contemplates Ending Female Friendship After Friend Tries to Flirt With Her Husband, Then Tries to Make Her Second Guess His Fidelity

Woman’s Marriage Is at Risk After Her Sneaky Best Friend Attempts To Flirt With Her Husband and Tries To Convince Her He’s Cheating

"She’s playing terrible mind games with me and she’s exploiting my insecurities..."
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Expectant mother is being mistreated and pushed around by in-laws, husband refuses to bite the bullet and prioritize his wife for once

Woman Demands Her Fiancé to Defend Her Against His Controlling Family, Husband Refuses to Prioritize Her and His Future Child's Feelings

You're not “ungrateful”. They don't know when to stop getting involved in your life.
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Woman demands to be her husband's first priority over his female best friend, sparking relationship dissonance

Woman's Husband Openly Prioritizes His Female Best Friend Over Her and Doubles Down On His Devotion, Saying He ‘Would choose her every time’

“I just had a very painful, invasive procedure done and I’m in pain. He said if she called him right now and said she needed him, he’d drop everything to go help her.”
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