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'Does he? Is He?': Gen Z creates brilliant green-flag and red-flag checklists with a grading system to help women in their dating journey

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The Best Romantically Ambitious Memes of the Week for Funny Ladies Unafraid to Flirt First (March 29, 2023)

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The Funniest Fresh Dating Memes of the Week for When You Crave All the Attention in the Relationship (March 21, 2023)

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'Breakup-ology': Woman breaks down universal cause for men who get dumped for "no apparent reason"

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The Best Romantically Ambitious Memes of the Week for Funny Ladies Unafraid to Flirt First (March 15, 2023)

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The Funniest Fresh Dating Memes of the Week for When You Crave All the Attention in the Relationship (March 14, 2023)

"I don't want to be naive and say that each kiss should spark fireworks." | I recently went on a first date with a guy I've known for a few months. He's sweet, totally nice, and made a point to make me as comfortable as possible. In short - he did nothing wrong at ALL. But when we were making out... It just did not feel right. I felt nothing at all, actually. It was super weird and I wanted it to be over ASAP. I've never had a makeout feel so awkward before.

It's In His Kiss: Reddit Users Weigh in Whether a Bad Kiss a Deal Breaker

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‘Can a cheater actually grow after being unfaithful?’ : Victims of infidelity share stories of their cheating exes, sparks discussion

13 screenshots from a Reddit post about a girlfriend that refuses to learn sign language in order to communicate with her boyfriend's mute daughter | Thumbnail includes a pink and orange water color painted background with a screenshot of a Reddit post 'AITA calling my girlfriend selfish for refusing to learn sign-language for my daughter My daughter Ruby was born mute. She can understand words, but we use sign language to communicate. While she can use her ph'

‘She Can Text Me’ : Selfish Girlfriend Refuses to Learn Sign Language in Order to Communicate With Boyfriend’s Mute Daughter, Says It’s ‘Unnecessary’ and ‘Coddling’

Tell Me You're Insecure Without Telling Me You're Insecure: Man Takes His Girlfriends Reading Habits to Reddit Because They Threaten His Masculinity | thumbnail reads - "She has told me she would not like me watching porn, she'd get too jealous that someone else is making me horny. I get that, yet she does the same thing with romance novels? I don't really want to talk to her about this again because she'll know that it's bothering me."

Tell Me You're Insecure Without Telling Me You're Insecure: Man Takes His Girlfriends Reading Habits to Reddit Because They Threaten His Masculinity

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'This day is not just for women': Men Share What They Want for Valentine's Day and Most of It Is Actually Surprisingly Romantic and Wholesome

Woman gives relationships advice for anybody who wants to date a nerd: Always go for 'The Lord of the Rings' nerds and never the 'Star Wars' nerds—sparks a hilarious conversation about dating nerds

Woman Swears That 'Lord of the Rings' Nerds are Better to Date Than 'Star Wars' Nerds, Sparks Hilarious Discussion

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Funniest Dating Memes for When You Crave All the Attention in the Relationship (February 7, 2023)

The Best Romantically Ambitious Memes of the Week for Ladies Unafraid to Flirt First

The Best Romantically Ambitious Memes of the Week for Ladies Unafraid to Flirt First (February 1, 2023)

boyfriend makes his new girlfriend a list of every girl who flirts with him at work to avoid any jealousy situations, girlfriend can't tell if he's being brutally honest or super manipulative

'My boyfriend is either being extremely manipulative or profoundly honest' : Braggadocious boyfriend gives girlfriend a list of every woman who flirts with him at the office to keep her “in the loop,” instead throws girlfriend through a loop

The Best Romantically Ambitious Memes of the Week for Ladies Unafraid to Flirt First

The Best Romantically Ambitious Memes of the Week for Ladies Unafraid to Flirt First