

our moods are directly connected to the weather | thumbnail text -  Seo (0 + C+ Y) 서은미 @meowseo Replying to @theferocity Saeed you're a lil plant, you need the nutrients Y IT'S WHAT WE CRAVE 7:02 PM - Mar 7, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone

Our Moods Are Scientifically Connected To The Weather, So We've Accepted That We're Simply Large Plants (Twitter Thread)

We need our nutrients
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Insensitive Man Lashes Out At Wife For "Endangering" Their Kids By Helping A Young Special Needs Girl| Thumbnail Text - Water - AITA for yelling at my wife for potentially endangering our kids? Yesterday a little girl (7) with heavy special needs ran away from her school and ended up in my backyard. My wife is a SAHM to our 3 kids (6f, 3f, 6mo m) and was home with our younger 2 and she eventually saw the little girl in our backyard. It was pouring and the wind was very strong

Insensitive Man Lashes Out At Wife For "Endangering" Their Kids By Helping A Young Special Needs Girl

The only real danger is this man's ideals
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Reddit thread about the human experience | thumbnail text - C_Torque · 8h Going back to bed on a Saturday morning

Amazing Human Experiences That Are Unrelated To Sex Or Being Under The Influence

The moments worth living
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