

20 screenshots from a Reddit post where a mother asks reddit if she did the right thing for not punishing her 7-year-old daughter for having more than one fake boyfriend | Thumbnail includes a purple and orange gradient background and a screenshot of text 'AITA for not punishing my 7 yo daughter for her play-relationships? My husband and I have a 7 year old daughter together, Layla. A few months ago, Layla got a "boyfriend", Lucas. They are both 7, so it's obviously not a real'

AITA : 'I'm not raising a cheater' : Unhinged Husband Pressures Wife to Punish 7-Year-Old Daughter for Having More Than 1 Play Boyfriends, Insists She Needs a Lesson in Faithfulness

Sir... she's 7
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12 screenshots from a Reddit thread where a parent tells the story of how they would rather send their daughter's boyfriend into the freezing cold rather than letting him sleepover | Thumbnail includes a grey background with frozen ice and snowflakes with a screenshot of text on top 'AITA for not letting my daughters boyfriend stay the night A few nights ago it was snowing and negative degrees outside. That night my daughters (16f) boyfriend (17m) drove to our house to visit her. As'

Condescending Parent Forces His Daughter’s Boyfriend to Walk Home in Negative-Degree Weather, Refuses to Let Him Sleep on the Couch, and Doesn’t Offer Him a Ride Either. All in the Name of Purity.

So many parents are obsessed with keeping their offspring ‘pure’ nowadays that they completely drop the ball when it comes to the whole sex ed thing. See, instead of teaching them about proper sex ed, they scare them, threaten them, and pretty much do everything in their power to ‘ensure’ that they will never have boyfriends sleeping over. News flash! No matter what you say or do, at the end of the day - they will eventually find ways to do all the things you forbid and deny them. Do you see ho…
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