psycho roommate

roommate roommates psycho crazy reddit thread friendship friends friend girls drama college allergy allergic food thief stolen

'For $30 of food she was willing to risk my life': 25-year-old kicks out her roommate after she admits to spiking their meals with a severe allergen to flush out a food thief

Roommate’s family comes to stay unannounced in shared apartment for 2 weeks, homeowner feels taken advantage of: “I feel like a stranger in my own home”

Roommate’s family comes to stay unannounced in shared apartment for 2 weeks, homeowner feels taken advantage of: “I feel like a stranger in my own home”

Pregnant Woman Demands Her Roommate Move Out to Make Space for Nursery and Baby Daddy, Roommate Stands Her Ground and Refuses

Pregnant Woman Demands Her Roommate Move Out to Make Space for Nursery and Baby Daddy, Roommate Stands Her Ground and Refuses

Funny tweets about psycho roommates | thumbnail text - treyla @bence_treyla28 ... on yesterday's episode of my roommate from hell, she poured bleach into my laundry while it was in the washer and told me to kill myself. we love a jealous psychopath 12:48 AM · Jan 11, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

This Week's Batch Of Wildest 'Psycho Roommate' Tweets

College Roommate Throws Away Her 'Best Friends" Anxiety Medication Because It Goes Against Christianity| Thumbnail Text - Purple - AITA for yelling at my best friend (18F) when she threw away my (18F) anxiety medication? I (18F) and my lifelong best friend, Emily (18F), share a dorm at college. For back story, I started having really bad panic attacks when I was ten after my parents died.

College Roommate Throws Away Her 'Best Friends" Anxiety Medication Because It Goes Against Christianity

Insecure Woman Makes Roommate Wear A Bra And Eat In Her Room So She Doesn't Distract Her BF| Thumbnail Text - Rectangle - AITA for wearing sexy clothes around my roommate's boyfriend? I study in the city and I share an apartment with two other girls. It was all fine until one of my roommate's boyfriend started hanging around

Insecure Woman Makes Roommate Wear A Bra And Eat In Her Room So She Doesn't Distract Her BF

psyho roommate tweets | thumbnail text - charis ... @gothloglady my evil roommate is keeping my $1200 security deposit because I told her 20 days ahead of time that I'm moving and the contract says 30- and on another note are any of my followers hitmen for hire? 3:18 AM · Aug 11, 2021 · Twitter Web App

Woman Blasts Psycho Roommate On Twitter, Barely Survives Her Wrath Before Moving Out

psycho roommate tweets | thumbnail text - @korpieann your roommate text u from her bedroom as u walk in the door "ignore my dildo on the kitchen counter while you and your friends cook lunch please" then she wanna act like u crazy... ???? 7:19 PM · Aug 10, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

The Worst Psycho Roommates Of 2021

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Roommates So Psycho It Should Be Illegal To Live With Them

psycho roommate tweets | thumbnail text -bougie feet @drbougieb ... My psycho ex roommate may have keyed my car, but the joke is on her, because now I have an excuse to get all of the scratches and dents I made buffed out as well, so my car will look prettier than before 9:42 PM · Nov 6, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

10 Psycho Roommate Tweets That Made Us Want To Live Alone Forever

roommate sets 3 am alarms to celebrate the hours of sleep he has left | thumbnail text - Average Dad @Average_Dad1 In college I had a roommate that would set his normal alarm plus a separate alarm for 3am so that he would wake up in the middle of the night and be excited about how much longer he had left to sleep. Still not sure if he was a genius or a psycho. 6:44 AM · Nov 4, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Twitter Reacts To Roommate Who Sets 3 AM Alarms To Celebrate The Hours Of Sleep He Has Left

psycho roommate tweets | thumbnail text -  dio simp @keurodynes as I make French toast this morning, I am once again reminded of my psycho roommate in college making me doubt everything l've ever known about French toast when she toasted the bread first, dipped it in egg, and THEN pan fried it 5:45 PM · Oct 3, 2021 · Twitter for Android

Psycho Roommate Tweets That Made Us Want To Live Alone Forever

psyho roommate tweets | thumbnail text - Font - Spooky Bitch (80%) ... @em_raad My psycho roommate chopped up my plants and stole more of my kitchen shit from me last night and legitimately has refused to leave his room since. Think he's afraid to face me? 9 l'm still not confronting his ass yet. I need more footage for the police/my landlord 2:07 AM · Sep 29, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Twitter's Most Psycho Roommates Are At It Again

psyho roommate tweets | thumbnail text -Zola Another b.:ch I lived wit would go out & get SO0000 drunk she'd make @_zolarmoon · 22h ... the worlds dumbest decisions.. Like bringing home homeless people. Bro????? "He was at the bar hungry so I told him he could stay the night" BITCH. if u don't give him $5 & sit the f :k DOWN. i hate hees bro

Woman Goes On Hilarious Rant About All The Psycho Roommates She's Had, Vows To Never Live With Anyone Ever Again

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Alarming Tweets From People Who Have Barely Survived Their Psycho Roommates

psyho roommate tweets | thumbnail text -  @jessicat_j ... 6 years ago today I lost everything I owned in a house fire and then a couple months after that my roommate let some crazy people into my apartment and they stole the new clothes I bought, ran off together, and set them on fire in a different state 4:31 PM · Jul 5, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Psycho Roommates Who Exist Solely To Destroy People's Livelihoods

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