

people reveal worst gifts they received from their in-laws | thumbnail Text - "For my wedding shower, I got a Pyrex pie plate with a crack in the bottom. Upon pulling it out of the wrapping, my soon to be mother-in-law says, "We got that at an auction. We paid a dollar for it."Thanks for showing me just how much I mean to you. She is no longer my mother-in-law."

Worst Gifts People Received From Their In-Laws

The gift of in-laws
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kids give the best presents (not) | thumbnail includes two pictures Text - I'm glad you're not dead Look how Pretty you are | old man holding a framed note from a child | piece of aluminium foil glues to a wooden plank

Gifts From Kids, Which Are So Bad They're Funny

Truth from the mouth of babes
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christmas present web comics - 4353285

How To Receive a Crappy Christmas Present

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