
14 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a boyfriend that messed with his girlfriend's birth control, leading to her getting pregnant | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of text and a quote in a purple box  '...he admitted to messing with my birth control and now I don't know what to do' because I know that I had been taking my birth control daily. So eventually I go to the doctors with my boyfriend. Thinking I had t they tal etc. The me I'm felt like end of ke I knew told you n't think would a'

'I didn't think it would actually work' : Evil Boyfriend Microwaves Girlfriend’s Birth Control Pills, Compromising Their Efficiency and Confesses to It Only [After] She Gets Pregnant

13 screenshots from a Reddit thread where a momma's boy asks Reddit if it would be bad if he left his pregnant girlfriend and moved in with his mom in order to save money 'AITA for leaving my pregnant girlfriend temporarily to save money? I (28M) wasn't thinking and I moved out from my mom's and in with this girl and immediately got her (26F) pregnant after just 6 months of dating'

28-Year-Old Man Child Leaves His Mother's Nest Only To Accidentally Impregnate His New Girlfriend, Doesn't Have A Stable Job Nor Income And Is Now Asking Reddit If He'd Be An AH If He Moved Back With His Mommy To Save Some Money

18 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a husband that allowed his brother's entire family to move in with him and his wife but didn't tell her | Thumbnail includes a picture of pregnant bellies and two screenshots 'The pregnancy has been very hard. I have horrible morning sickness. It reached a really bad point where I passed out hit my head and my Dr admitted me to the hospital for a week. When I got home my husband allowed his brothers famil'

Entitled Husband Agrees To Host His Brother's Entire Family, Does Not Give Prior Notice To His Pregnant Wife But Expects Her To Be Their Personal Cleaning Lady

12 screenshots from a Reddit post where a man talks about how his breastfeeding wife is mad at him because he won't stop drinking out of solidarity with him 'a hard time about drinking on occasion lately pregnant because a few of her friend's buchands st ere pre throu thing?). standinc to drin t during ever an me time drink on the weekenas, ana now she says only on s nonth old). Am i missing something here? 'I know I got you pregnant, but why should I give up drinking too?''

'If I had a sickness and couldn't walk, I wouldn't restrict you from walking!': New Father Refuses To Give Up Alcohol In Solidarity With His Breastfeeding Wife, Compares Temporary Sobriety To Illnesses

14 screenshots from a wholesome Reddit post about a wife whose pregnancy made her fall in love with her husband | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of the Reddit post and two pink block boxes with a quote 'My pregnancy changed how I feel about my husband I can't seem to get enough of him and I find myself follov uppy, and H home hangL always makes sure to take regular breaks so I can sit on his lap for a few minutes here and there. 'I'm just too obsessed with him now''

'Pregnancy hormones nudging you in the right direction': Woman Tells Wholesome Story Of How Pregnancy Made Her Fall In Love With Her Husband

12 screenshots from a Reddit thread where a pregnant wife shares the story of how her husband never comes to any doctor appointments and instead just finds excuses 'AITA for refusing to tell my husband the gender of our baby after he skipped going to the dr appointment with me? Last week was my final straw. He was supposed to come with me for the baby's gender reveal appointment but he chose to not come last minute because his friend invited him to fish 'n' chips meal. I was pretty livid'

'Deadbeat dad before the baby is even born': Pregnant Wife Refuses To Tell Husband The Gender Of Their Baby After He Ditched Her For Fish N Chips With The Boys

Insensitive Husband Refuses To Clean Cat's Litter Box In Place Of Pregnant Wife, Wife's Sister Shocked By His Behavior

Insensitive Husband Refuses To Clean Cat's Litter Box In Place Of Pregnant Wife, Wife's Sister Shocked By His Behavior

aita post | thumbnail text - r/AmItheAsshole. Posted by u/PSkatebo7 9 hours ago AITA not wanting give up my den my gf's brother sleep on an impromptu visit our city?

Introverted Husband Refuses To Host Brother-In-Law In His Personal Den, Needs Space Before Becoming Father

entitled people post | thumbnail text - Posted by u/FreakyPickles 3 days ago My friend's soon--be-ex-husband wants and SO convince her adopt his affair baby instead divorcing him!!

Man Cheats On Wife, Impregnates Mistress, Expects Wife To Adopt Affair Baby

aita post | thumbnail text - Posted by u/dadof2throwWay 12 hours ago 97 3?8 3 AITA taking my wife's side after she screamed and cursed at my mother?

Pregnant Woman Freaks Out At Mother-In-Law After She Intentionally Threw Out Her Rotisserie Chicken

Women Is Furious When Husband Gives Away Her IVF Money To His Friend

Woman Fuming When Husband Gives Away Her IVF Money To His Friend

aita post | thumbnail text - Posted by u/DoggoMagnus 14 hours ago 23 AITA removing lock on our bathroom door

Psycho Husband Locks Bathroom At Night So Pregnant Wife Can't Pee And Unintentionally Wake Him Up

aita post | thumbnail text - Posted by u/Never EndingFeelings 6 hours ago e AITA wanting my husband cancel his trip he been planning 4 years

Selfish Husband Insists On Going On Bro Trip Around His Wife's Due Date

aita post | thumbnail text - r/AmItheAsshole. Posted by u/Lillington579 20 hours ago 92 193 32 AITA leaving middle celebration because toast my husband gave?

Woman Storms Out Of Her Baby's Gender Reveal Party After Husband Makes Harsh Joke At Her Expense

Pregnant Besties: Woman Telling Her Pregnant BFF That She's Also Expecting is the Purest Form of Love

Pregnant Besties: Woman Telling Her Pregnant BFF that She's Also Expecting is the Purest Form of Love

Woman Judged For Taking A Dollar From Each Person Who Asks When She's Going To Have Kids| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/thasyojar2013 • 11h 1 1 1 24 32 26 1 AITA For Making A "Pregnancy Jar"?

Woman Judged For Taking A Dollar From Each Person Who Asks When She's Going To Have Kids