

Man Refuses To Join His Girlfriend At The Hospital Because Of His Phobia| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/No-one-wants-me • 1h 1 AITA for wanting my boyfriend to come support me at the hospital and then being upset that he didn't?

Man Refuses To Join His Pregnant Girlfriend At The Hospital Because Of His Phobia

It's time to grow up
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people confess their rational and totally irrational fears | thumbnail text - Bob Gurnett @BoblsntFunny My three biggest fears in order: 3. Plane crash 2. Home invasion 1. Not remembering how you know someone and having to stumble through a polite conversation. Katie Haller @halleratyou My biggest fears in life are: -pigeons -rejection -clogging someone's toilet -failure -bcc emails -heights

People Confess Their Biggest Rational And Totally Irrational Fears

There's no logic to it, really
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