petty revenge

20-year-old demands payment after her ex-friend donates an expensive coat she left at her apartment for over half a year: "It's your own fault for not listening"

20-year-old demands payment after her ex-friend donates an expensive coat she left at her apartment for over half a year: "It's your own fault for not listening"

Woman gifts daughter jewelry meant for ex-husband’s side-piece, the act of revenge leaves him stunned: “He knew I didn’t wear bracelets…something told me it was an affair”

Woman gifts daughter jewelry meant for ex-husband’s side-piece, the act of revenge leaves him stunned: “He knew I didn’t wear bracelets…something told me it was an affair”

Reddit reddit story aita parenting parents children kids women mother Father Siblings family family drama petty revenge petty-revenge-reddit wife husband

Mother refuses to cook kids and husband dinner after she comes home from work only to find a mess in the kitchen: ‘I can’t really do much in a dirty kitchen’

Daughter defends dad's infidelity, picks stepmom over bio mom, years later expects sympathy from family when she is cheated on by fiancé: "You said it yourself, you can't stop love"

Daughter defends dad's infidelity, picks stepmom over bio mom, years later expects sympathy from family when she is cheated on by fiancé: "You said it yourself, you can't stop love"

Man expects wife to act as personal secretary and social liaison with family, refuses to answer texts, she retaliates by scheduling 2 dinners on the same day: "This shouldn't be my responsibility"

Man expects wife to act as personal secretary and social liaison with family, refuses to answer texts, she retaliates by scheduling 2 dinners on the same day: "This shouldn't be my responsibility"

New mother gets unintentionally inspired to find her dream job after ex tells her to give up, earns a higher salary than him: ‘And that is how my ex became my ex'

New mother gets unintentionally inspired to find her dream job after ex tells her to give up, earns a higher salary than him: ‘And that is how my ex became my ex'

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‘The look on their faces? Ab-so-lu-te-ly priceless’: Bilingual woman calls out a brazen French family who thought they could secretly insult her in another language

Woman "forgets" wallet at home every time she goes out with friend, petty friend retaliates by playing her own game, leaving her publicly humiliated when the check comes

Woman "forgets" wallet at home every time she goes out with friend, petty friend retaliates by playing her own game, leaving her publicly humiliated when the check comes

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'This is going to raise his rate considerably': Manchild demands his ex-wife fix his insurance mess after 17 years of her doing everything for him, she maliciously compiles

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Woman Outsmarts Paranoid Husband, Fakes Affair to Expose His Snooping

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Entitled SILs Demand Store-Bought Cake for Christmas Even Though Sister is a Baker, Power Trip Backfires After Their Own Kids Accidentally Deliver the Perfect Revenge

Woman's Hippie Neighbor Demands That She Stop Hanging Her Kids' Clothes to Dry Because 'They disrupt my clients' chakra alignments,' She Retaliates by Reporting the Unlicensed Business to Authorities

Woman's Hippie Neighbor Demands That She Stop Hanging Her Kids' Clothes to Dry Because 'They disrupt my clients' chakra alignments,' She Retaliates by Reporting the Unlicensed Business to Authorities

boyfriend aita girl power Female Empowerment ex petty revenge clarity relationships girlfriend breakup closure Reddit karma - 38128901

Woman Handles Ex-Boyfriend’s Request for Closure with Brutal Honesty, Leaves Him Stunned and Finally Reclaims Her Confidence

‘My boss laughed [so hard] when I told him what I was doing': Woman Wears 3-Inch Heels to Work Everyday Just to Humble Her Entitled Co-Worker with ‘Short Man Complex’

‘My boss laughed [so hard] when I told him what I was doing': Woman Wears 3-Inch Heels to Work Everyday Just to Humble Her Entitled Co-Worker with ‘Short Man Complex’

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High-Ranking Professional Refuses to Give Entitled Sister-in-Law a Job Reference After Years of Nasty Behavior

‘I just wanted some fresh flowers… He got flour:' Wife Files for Divorce After Husband Doesn't Help with Planning His Mother's Birthday Party, Mother-In-Law Takes Her Side

‘I just wanted some fresh flowers… He got flour:' Wife Files for Divorce After Husband Doesn't Help with Planning His Mother's Birthday Party, Mother-In-Law Takes Her Side

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