
pet names

‘I call her my girl’ : 18 Heartwarming Pet Names Men Use for Their Partners

‘I call her my girl’ : 18 Heartwarming Pet Names Men Use for Their Partners

In the world of relationships, there exists a magical power within the realm of nicknames. A cute lil pet name may seem innocent to you now, but trust us, once you step into a relationship - words like ‘baby’, ‘honey’, and ‘my love’ will get you further in life than calling your partner by their real name. We don't know, just something so heartwarming about a cute little name that you share between just the two of you. And you know what? We're not the only ones who think so! We recently stumble…
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Misguided Man Claims That Naming A Dog 'Yankee' Is Super Offensive| Thumbnail Text - Dog - AITA For giving my dog an "offensive" name and then refusing to change it? I have several dogs, one of which is an American Akita. His name is Yankee. I thought it was funny, and he seems to like his name.

Misguided Man Claims That Naming A Dog 'Yankee' Is Super Offensive

We promise you dude, no American cares
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Funny reddit thread about fighting the patriarchy in subtle ways | thumbnail text - EfficientInfluence 10 hours ago I put the toilet seat down.

Women Reveal Lowkey Ways They Smash The Patriarchy On A Daily Basis

Subtly calling out men
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