

Wife Is Fed Up After Husband Constantly Wets The Bed And Forces Her To Clean It| Thumbnail Text - Rectangle - AITA for refusing to clean the bed and causing my husband to sleep on the floor? My f34 husband m32 has a medical condition (heart problems) and we sleep separately, he sleeps in the bedroom while I am on the couch.

Wife Is Fed Up After Husband Constantly Wets The Bed And Forces Her To Clean It

She Is Not A Maid Or Nurses Aid
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Women Is Forced To Pee In Cat Box Because Her Partner Hogged Bathroom For An Hour| Thumbnail Text - Cat - AITA for peeing in the cat tray? Okay, this is weird and l'm using a throwaway because this is so embarrassing. Me (29F) and my Partner (25M) have been dating for 3 years and have lived together for one of those. We live in a small i bedroom flat that has one bathroom with our 2 cats.

Women Is Forced To Pee In Cat Box Because Her Partner Hogged Bathroom For An Hour

That's rich coming from a person with IBS
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