

16 screenshots from a Reddit thread about the story of a devastated woman that's planning to leave her boyfriend because he randomly asked for a paternity test | Thumbnail includes a screenshot from the Reddit post 'My boyfriend asked for a paternity test for our child. As soon as the results come and show he is the father, I'm leaving him. Friday, he came home and he asked me for a paternity test. Just like that, it was completely out of the blue. I was putting away the dishes and he ask'

'He's probably cheating himself': Devastated Girlfriend Is leaving Her Boyfriend After He Randomly Demanded A Paternity Test For Their Newborn Baby

Drop him
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aita post | thumbnail text - Posted by u/Similar-Put1285 10 hours ago 2 AITA telling my boyfriend's mom my maternity leave is not supposed be vacation?

Man's Mom Gifts Him With A Paternity Leave Eurotrip, Expects His Girlfriend To Stay Home With Their Newborn Baby Without Him

Mama is living in La La Land
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Cold-Hearted Dad Demands Paternity Test After Suddenly Believing His Daughter Is Not His| Thumbnail Text - Product - THE DNA TEST RESULTS ARE IN AITA for not letting my dad get a paternity test? My (16F) dad wants to get a paternity test because he's recently convinced l'm not his real daughter. My mum ran away to another country with some guy when I was 8 years old and lately my dad's sure she was cheating |on him long before that and I'm actually someone else's baby.

Cold-Hearted Dad Demands Paternity Test After Suddenly Believing His Daughter Is Not His

She has every right to refuse
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