
witty marriage memes marriage-memes sassy spouse babysitter baby toddler children parenting parents relatable couples meme relationships love hubby wife husband wife

20 Witty Marriage Memes for Sassy Spouses Who Need to Find a Better Babysitter

creative-pregnancy-announcement wholesome viral videos adorable pregnancy-reveal pregnancy announcement toddlers fatherhood motherhood cute DIY-pregnancy-reveal parenting viral-dad-reaction-video dad-reaction DIY-pregnancy-announcement - 2070279

'The joy in his face': Tattoo artist husband goes viral for having the most wholesome reaction to wife's creative second pregnancy reveal

24 marriage and parenting memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man smiling while driving a car and a picture of the same man but with a moustache and now crying 'Me thinking a road trip with kids will be fun @dad.wilder Ten minutes into the road trip Me Milk Wench @semisocialbird Tbh having your kid look exactly like your husband is like doing most of the work on a group project and he still gets the higher grade'

24 Marriage Memes for Couples Who Cope With Parenting by Sending Each Other Relatable Memes

22 humorous wifey memes about marriage and parenting | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a text conversation and a picture of a mom hiding from her child under a blanket 'Break it The kids are building a fort Tf is wrong with you If we can't have nice things neither can they. I got this blanket to hide under when I just need a damn moment Ask Go dad'

Top 22 Winsome Wifey Memes for the Witty Committee (April 28, 2023)

18 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a man that recently found out he has an 18 year old daughter because she showed up on his door step | Thumbnail includes a picture of a dad and a daughter covering his eyes 'She's really only a stranger reaching out for cash...'

'WIBTA If I didn't pay for my child's education?' : Man Finds Out He Has an 18 Year Old Daughter After She Shows up at His Door Asking For Tuition Money

aita post | thumbnail text - Posted by u/Downtown_Ant_1320 1 day ago 33 AITA making my daughter cancel her date

Dad Forbids Teen Daughter From Going On Date After She Gets Caught In A Lie

'He's a deadbeat dad': Mooching husband shames wife and moves out as punishment for taking a weekend to herself after she slaves over 4 children and a full time job without his help

'He's a deadbeat dad': Mooching husband moves out and shames his wife as punishment for spending a weekend with her friends, even though she balances a full time job and parenting without his help

13 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a story of a wife who put aside her divorce and cared for her sick husband only for her child to ridicule her for not mourning him properly after 1.5 years | Thumbnail includes a picture of a sick patient in a chemo therapy room and a screenshot of text 'In August of 2022 (4 months after my Dad passed) my mom started seeing someone. She'd call him her "friend", slip in mentions of him in conversation but I personally wanted NOTHING'

Wife Puts Divorce Aside to Care For Cancer-Stricken Husband, Only for Entitled Son to Rebuke Her for Not ‘Grieving the Way She’s Supposed to’

17 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a woman that kicked out her son's girlfriend out their house during the first seconds of meeting her | Thumbnail includes a picture of a door step and a plant on the side 'They ring the doorbell. We open the door. She looks exactly like her pictures, which is a great start. My son is grinning ear to ear - another great start. We invite them in. She accepts my hug and a firm handshake from my husband, and then she opens her mouth:'

‘I’m the one your son puts his manhood in’ : Boyfriend Hypes Up New Girlfriend to Parents, Only to Be Kicked Out Within Seconds of Meeting Them

I told my husband that I needed to tell him something when we were going to pick up my son Sam and his girlfriend Sadie, and he had to promise me not to be upset. I just said 'Sadie is trans'. He just went, 'hmm, okay'. On the drive to Sam's place, I told my husband that Sam loves her and it took a lot of courage from Sadie to be open with us right from the beginning. My husband just said 'we will talk later'.

Your Weekly Dose of Wholesome Reddit: Man Tells Parents His New Girlfriend is Trans, Dad in Response: 'Let's Get Ice Cream'

AITA: ‘He acts like I’m a burden' : Entitled girlfriend expects parental treatment from husband, he sets an ultimatum: ‘Change, or we break up’

AITA: ‘He acts like I’m a burden' : Entitled girlfriend expects parental treatment from husband, he sets an ultimatum: ‘Change, or we break up’

22 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a naturally cheerful husband who punishes his kids and wife whenever they express sadness or anger by taking away $1 from the kids' allowance | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of text with a pink box and a yellow quote 'Every time you feel sad, I will make it worse by taking money from you'

‘Every time you feel sad, I will make it worse by taking money from you’ : Controlling Husband Who Is ‘Cheerful by Nature’ Forbids Wife and Kids to Express Any Negative Emotions by Instilling a ‘Pessimism Jar’, Family Conflict Ensues

19 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a single mother who orders food after her kids go to sleep so she doesn't have to share | Thumbnail includes a black and white picture of two human figures (a female and a male) and a screenshot of text on top 'He also accused me of being a bad mother because I rather order food for just myself without thinking of my children whose were with me at the time and that I should've just waited until they were with him for the night.'

'You're a HORRIBLE mother!' : Fuming Ex-husband Berates Ex-wife for Ordering Take-Out and Not Sharing With Kids, Assumes She Used the $100 in Child Support He Gave Her for the Month

17 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a husband that was caught switching out his daughter's Indian lunches because she was getting bullied for them | Thumbnail includes a picture of food on a wooden table in the background and a screenshot of text from a Reddit post 'AITA for switching out my daughter's school lunches behind my wife's back? My wife Sara (36F) and I (35M) have an 11 year old daughter named Lily. Lily had begun attending'

AITA : 'I want her to be comfortable around her classmates' : Husband Caught Switching Out Daughter’s Indian Lunches for Western Food, Infuriated Wife Drags Him for Denying Their Culture

20 screenshots from a Reddit post where a mother asks reddit if she did the right thing for not punishing her 7-year-old daughter for having more than one fake boyfriend | Thumbnail includes a purple and orange gradient background and a screenshot of text 'AITA for not punishing my 7 yo daughter for her play-relationships? My husband and I have a 7 year old daughter together, Layla. A few months ago, Layla got a "boyfriend", Lucas. They are both 7, so it's obviously not a real'

AITA : 'I'm not raising a cheater' : Unhinged Husband Pressures Wife to Punish 7-Year-Old Daughter for Having More Than 1 Play Boyfriends, Insists She Needs a Lesson in Faithfulness

12 screenshots from a Reddit thread where a parent tells the story of how they would rather send their daughter's boyfriend into the freezing cold rather than letting him sleepover | Thumbnail includes a grey background with frozen ice and snowflakes with a screenshot of text on top 'AITA for not letting my daughters boyfriend stay the night A few nights ago it was snowing and negative degrees outside. That night my daughters (16f) boyfriend (17m) drove to our house to visit her. As'

Condescending Parent Forces His Daughter’s Boyfriend to Walk Home in Negative-Degree Weather, Refuses to Let Him Sleep on the Couch, and Doesn’t Offer Him a Ride Either. All in the Name of Purity.