parenting fail

Homophobic Mother Used To Shame Gay Daughter - Now Wants Her To Play Music At Her Wedding To A Woman| Thumbnail Text - Gesture - AITA for refusing to play my music at my mother's wedding? I (F18) was outed as a lesbian to my mom and dad when I was 15. After this, my dad reacted in a completely negative way- he called me slurs, threatened to kick me out and more.

Homophobic Mother Used To Shame Gay Daughter - Now Wants Her To Play Music At Her Wedding To A Woman

funny pictures showing how annoying toddlers can be | thumbnail two images, of dof text - "My daughter helped finish my wife’s drawing today." and mess on floor text - "Toddler pulled the cat feeder down. I just filled it last night."

Pictures Showing How Annoying Toddlers Can Really Be

Mother Accused Of 'Stifling Her Twins Individualities" By Dressing Them In Blue And Green| Thumbnail Text - Jaw - AITA for exclusively dressing my twin sons in color coded shirts? I have a set of identical twin boys 1.5years old. My husband andI are both forgetful and having a new baby is tiring, I was scared of getting them mixed up.

Mother Accused Of 'Stifling Her Twins Individualities" By Dressing Them In Blue And Green

Man Gets Cold Feet After IFV Treatments With Wife - Wants To Leave It All| Thumbnail Text - Organism - r/relationship_advice O Me (31M) and my wife (36F) having a baby and every inch of my body is wanting to walk out

Man Gets Cold Feet After IVF Treatments With Wife - Wants To Leave It All

funniest dad tweets of the week | Thumbnail Font - non podhoretz @crookedroads770 Yesterday I overheard my two year old son saying "Are you sure this is a good idea" and my five year old son replying "Trust me" and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life 10:21 PM Jan 23, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 58.1K Retweets 2.9K Quote Tweets 706.5K Likes

Dad Tweets That Made Us Want To Purchase Some Sexy Dad Jeans

Cruel Father Throws 19 Year Old Pregnant Daughter Out Of The House| Thumbnail Text - Sleeve - AITA [41M] for kicking my Daughter [19F] out of my house? My daughter recently told me and my wife that she's pregnant and apparently she's been hiding it for 3 months. The Boyfriend is a scumbag who I thought she left after I gave her an ultimatum to either leave him or leave my house, to which she chose the latter or at least I thought she did. She started sobbing and telling us how sorry she was and

Cruel Father Throws 19 Year Old Pregnant Daughter Out Of The House

Wife Refuses To Let Her Family Have A Merry Christmas Because It's 'Pagan'| Thumbnail Text - Plant - AITA for telling my wife she ruined Christmas? I am an atheist. My wife is religious. My parents are split and I grew up with a terrible dad. I told myself that when I have a kid that I don't want to be anything like him. Christmas is one of the only holidays I care about, it's when everyone is around family and are happy. I wanted my kid to have these moments.

Wife Refuses To Let Her Family Have A Merry Christmas Because It's 'Pagan'

Boyfriend Unfairly Bans Pregnant Girlfriend From Using His Car| Thumbnail Text - Car - AITA for banning my girlfriend from my car after she lied about an emergency? My girlfriend (f22) can't drive. She had her dad as her cab driver before but once we moved in together I (m25) started driving her to wherever she wants to go. FTR I work long hours in a stressful field. Many times she's asked me to leave work so I could drive her places. I got in trouble

Boyfriend Unfairly Bans Pregnant Girlfriend From Using His Car

Kids Roast Their Parents With Brutal One-Liners | thumbnail text - Оpal @PamCamp60217334 Replying to @JessicaValenti When I turned 40 I wanted to go blonde. Unfortunately my brunette hair didnt take it well. When my 8 YO daughter got off the bus that day the first thing she said was "I hope you can wash that out". 11:32 PM · Jan 18, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Kids Roast Their Parents With Brutal One-Liners

Funny Rants From Parents About How Useless It Is To Yell At Their Kids | thumbnail text - WTFDAD ... @daddydoubts It's important not to yell at your children. Even if you're frustrated it's our responsibility to- FOR F'. CKS SAKE I TOLD YOU A THOUSAND TIMES DONT EAT RASPBERRIES ON THE COUCH THEY STAIN GODDAMN IT -remain calm and be the voice of reason. 4:58 PM · Aug 28, 2019 Twitter for iPhone

Funny Rants From Parents About How Useless It Is To Yell At Their Kids

Cold-Hearted Dad Demands Paternity Test After Suddenly Believing His Daughter Is Not His| Thumbnail Text - Product - THE DNA TEST RESULTS ARE IN AITA for not letting my dad get a paternity test? My (16F) dad wants to get a paternity test because he's recently convinced l'm not his real daughter. My mum ran away to another country with some guy when I was 8 years old and lately my dad's sure she was cheating |on him long before that and I'm actually someone else's baby.

Cold-Hearted Dad Demands Paternity Test After Suddenly Believing His Daughter Is Not His

Woman Calls Out Her Sister For Being Emotionally Abusive To Her Claustrophobic Son| Thumbnail Text - Nose - AITA for telling my sister she's mean and cruel to her son? My (24F) nephew (5M) has always been claustrophobic. Even as a baby he hated being swaddled or cuddled too long. He'd get fussy and cry until he was put down and able to move freely.

Woman Calls Out Her Sister For Being Emotionally Abusive To Her Claustrophobic Son

Parents who have totally had enough of parenting for today | thumbnail text - "My kids went in the basement to play, about 10 minutes later, this happened." "Goat cheese and buttercream frosting look very similar when they've been stored in a Ziploc bag in your refrigerator. My kid is currently jumping off furniture"

Parents Who Have Had Enough Of Parenting For Today

Overprotective Dad Cruelly Forces Daughters Boyfriend To Sleep On The Floor| Thumbnail Text - Property - AITA for making my daughter's boyfriend sleep on the floor? My (49M) daughter (18F) and her boyfriend (19M) were going to a theme park on a saturday and she asked me if he could sleep on our house because it was closer to the park and was more practical.

Overprotective Dad Cruelly Forces Daughters Boyfriend To Sleep On The Floor

creepy and disturbing pregnancy photos from people who shouldn't be parents | thumbnail three pictures of creepy pregnancy photos

Disturbingly Creepy Pregnancy Photos From People Who Probably Shouldn't Be Parents

15 Savage Kid Quotes That Have Us Cracking Up| Thumbnail text - Smile - My 13 year old cousin asked my boyfriend (who's a teacher) how he "sleeps at night knowing he's given people homework" 6:13 PM · 10/26/21 · Twitter for iPhone 57.2K Retweets 3,586 Quote Tweets 58OK Likes

15 Savage Kid Quotes That Have Us Cracking Up